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  1. Ron0126

    Grape Concentrate

    My bad, it has k-meta in it, not potassium sorbate.
  2. Ron0126

    Grape Concentrate

    Other than having potassium sorbate (and the price), what's the difference between three cans of red or white grape concentrate I'd buy in the grocery store and the one liter of grape concentrate I'd buy from LP? Since the LP grape concentrate is "3x concentrated" and the cans at the grocery...
  3. Ron0126

    Apfelwein ?

    I agree!!!
  4. Ron0126

    Apfelwein ?

    HAHAHA! Love it! I question anyone who knows what saddle leather, autumn leaves, freshly mowed hay, pencil shavings (really?), or cat pee (double really?) tastes like. Most of them have never even touched a saddle, have never raked leaves, and have never even been near a hayfield. Have they...
  5. Ron0126


    Sounds legit ...
  6. Ron0126

    Other What would you make again?

    Haha! Got it! Even Google didn't know what you meant! Yes, I always change the yeast because I'm, quite frankly, tired of EC-1118 and that seems to be the only thing that's ever packaged in the kit.
  7. Ron0126

    Other What would you make again?

    What is a yeast swap?
  8. Ron0126

    Buried the needle

    Wow, wish I could get mine to go that low. What recipe did you use? Which yeast?
  9. Ron0126

    Apfelwein ?

    I backsweetened mine with 1 cup brown sugar, 3 cinnamon sticks, a cup of honey, and a can of Old Orchard Apple Juice Concentrate (three gallon carboy). Took it up to 1.02 but DANG it's good. I'm trying to let it sit in the carboy until September/October but I don't think it's gonna make it that...
  10. Ron0126

    Other What would you make again?

    Interesting. I'd love to do frozen musts or juice pails but here in Birmingham AL, the LHBS doesn't place those type of orders and shipping is crazy expensive. I have to travel for work so I've thought about driving to Fine Vine Wines in Dallas or to Label Peelers in Kent OH, visiting customers...
  11. Ron0126

    I did a bonehead thing

    Oh, man. I'm sorry! Wish I lived close enough to drop in and help!
  12. Ron0126

    Other What would you make again?

    Is it sweet? My daughter and her husband like sweet wines. My wife, oddly enough, likes them dry. Sweet, dry, semi-dry, bold, oaky, non-oaked ... I like everything ... that's MY problem.
  13. Ron0126

    Other What would you make again?

    That one keeps getting brought up! I'll have to give it a whirl. How long do you plan to age it? (love your tagline) :h
  14. Ron0126

    Other What would you make again?

    Wow, these are some great recommendations! Thank you!
  15. Ron0126

    Other What would you make again?

    Since I'm so new at all this, I'm curious: if you had to pick just one red kit and/or one white kit to make, which would it be and why? What have you made that you're proudest of or that tasted the best and that you'd make again and again?
  16. Ron0126

    Jumping in Cannon ball toe dipping here

    I've learned that when I want to DO something, rather than rack or bottle too soon, just start another batch! :db
  17. Ron0126

    WineXpert Make sense out of mouth feel for me, please

    Google makes everyone an "expert" but don't tell the Internet!!!
  18. Ron0126

    First attempt at dragons blood - should I be worried

    It looks like it's well on the way. Stick with the plan! Punch, stir, gently squeeze, all until it ferments to dryness. Check your SG daily. In another couple weeks, you'll be drinking Dragon's Blood ... or as one YouTuber calls it "Panty Dropper Wine."
  19. Ron0126

    Yeasty-Smelling SP and DDDB

    Personally, I'm getting away from using EC-1118 for that exact reason. For reds, I use either Lalvin Rc212 or Red Star Pasteur Red. I want to try the Lalvin BM 4x4. For whites I use either Lalvin D47 or Red Star Cote des Blanc. May try some Lalvin QA23 next time. For mead I've only used the Cote...
  20. Ron0126

    First attempt at dragons blood - should I be worried

    Punch it down, stir, gently [GENTLY] squeeze the mesh bag, and repeat every 6 - 12 hours until all that bubbling and fizzing stops. It looks great! Which yeast did you use?