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  1. Madriver Wines

    watermelon wine or mead help

    I have 2 gallons going now. I used 50/50 juice and water. I recently found an article on the subject and it stated that the author was never happy until he used 100% juice. I will keep ya informed but so far it tastes like watermellon and has not spoiled?? It did ferment to 1.014 in 4 days so...
  2. Madriver Wines

    Almost ready 2 bottle but,........

    It is more a feel than a taste. There will be bubbles in your glass and a bite on your tongue. The wine is very young so that is probably what you notice. If it is totally clear and no more sediment is dropping out then bottle and give it 6 months to age. When you say 30 days is that from must...
  3. Madriver Wines

    Blueberry wine

    and then he turned and started to foam uncontrollably. There was foam every where and soon I could not see him and as he started to slip away I raised my yeasty net and took a big swipe. I looked and low and behold there he was caught in my net. As I reached in to grab him he......... Allie...
  4. Madriver Wines

    Wine Bucket homemade

    It is a 2 with HDPE below the #
  5. Madriver Wines

    Blueberry wine

    One day while walking thru the yeast fields looking for a good ripe one to pick for my wine I came across...............
  6. Madriver Wines

    Wine Bucket homemade

    Just sit the lid on top. No need to drill a hole. I use a lid that does not snap down but it seals well enough to keep bugs out. I got it at Lowes, it is grey, food grade and was $2.64
  7. Madriver Wines


    There may be an additional factor contributing to your ear ringing my friend!:h :b Steve
  8. Madriver Wines

    Alternatives to labeling bottles

    No offence Bill but doesn't the tape look kinda cheap? Looks matter as well IMO. The labels are cheap to print, look great and wash right off. :b Steve
  9. Madriver Wines

    Cellar Craft Couple questions

    I would go 80-90 days between k-meta adds. Just my opinion.
  10. Madriver Wines

    Raspberry & blackberry started.

    I started a must of black raspberry the other day. I used Pasteur Red yeast for the first time and noticed it is a foamer. Well Thursday night I checked the SG and it was 1.014 so,without thinking of the foaming issue, I racked it. Then I spent the next 24hrs. cleaning up the mess from what I...
  11. Madriver Wines

    Ferment on in the US?

    Now we know what FOP is so what is SOB?? ...Wait dont answer that!! My name will come up again??!@##
  12. Madriver Wines


    We didn't!!:h
  13. Madriver Wines

    All Points Bulletin. Where is Troy??

    Good to hear that you didnt end up as Bear food ha ha. Did ya get to pick any of the wild blueberries? I would travel to Alaska for a bottle of that!! Salute Vortex Sante Fe to you too.:h
  14. Madriver Wines

    Old Orchard Red Raspberry batch started

    Sounds great Paul. red raspberry is one of my favorites. Never used the juice before just fruit. Keep us updated. Steve
  15. Madriver Wines


    Leanne why did you change your avitar? Was that a pic of you or something form the net? Really liked the other one.:<
  16. Madriver Wines

    Alternatives to labeling bottles

    There is a guy on Ebay selling shink wraps 210 at a time with around 40 choices. You select in groups of 30.
  17. Madriver Wines

    All Points Bulletin. Where is Troy??

    The last time I talked to him she had just returned home.
  18. Madriver Wines

    All Points Bulletin. Where is Troy??

    Has anyone heard from Articid? He has dropped off the face of the earth and I fear he has been eaten by BEARS!!! I know he was wanting to get at the blueberries and had seen Bears around the area. Hopefully I am just kidding about the Bears but no news is not always good news in the wilderness.
  19. Madriver Wines


    Sorry I can't help myself. And Wade..... Love ya man :r :b Steve....
  20. Madriver Wines

    Help me - I can't stop!

    She said it! I have jumped in head first and wont(cant?) look back. As far as the tea bag remarks go I have been told to watch what I say there!! So ......No comment.:n