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  1. Rock

    When a Syrah is not a Syrah

    Not an expert,but since i make both varietals each year my cab grapes are alot smaller then the syrah grapes do you have a photo you can share.
  2. Rock

    What to do before barreling?

    Most of my barrels that are 4 years or older are neutral.I use staves in these.You do not need to open the bung every week for topping off as a matter of fact you can go months as long as you do not open the bung and expose the wine to air you will be fine.You will get a big suction when you do...
  3. Rock

    Bought 2 juice buckets with my grapes

    These wines were only made a few months ago?You should age these wines alot longer before bottling.
  4. Rock

    I went through HOW MUCH????

    Yea i love it,christmas eve 1 gallon red 2 liters of white.Christmas day 3 gallons of wine 1 gallon of my bros,sparkling peach,not to mention the wine given out for gifts.:sn
  5. Rock


    Also used it on a red wine last year that had the major rotten egg stink,Splash raked,used copper pipe and copper wire,splashed racked and still didnt work. The reduless worked and this wine is fine a year latter.
  6. Rock

    Corrado's Wine Competition

    I'm going hopefully if the wife can get the baby sitters set up.:h
  7. Rock

    MLF and H2S

    I would not rack your wine if it is going through mlf,so i would wait.I used it on my wine after mlf was over.I did do all the splash racking and stirring with copper before mlf.It did not help.I added as per instructions racked after 72 hours.It also says you can do another addition if...
  8. Rock

    Why should I buy a Wine Kit?

    Wade i cant believe it!!What happened i thought it was all over for the kits???:slp
  9. Rock

    MLF and H2S

    Their is a product called Reduless that helped me last year.I tried splash racking and cooper and splash racking and cooper and none of it worked except reduless.
  10. Rock

    What to do before barreling?

    Really John a wine this young filter already?Here goes a can of worms!!
  11. Rock

    Potassium Carbonate salty/metallic taste

    Try Calcium bi-carbonate post ferment next time.
  12. Rock

    2011 Fresh Grapes From California via FVW's

    Try this instead it worked for me a couple of times,get a small oak spiral leave it in the cab that is going real good next day take it out and put it into the de-mi that shows slow or no sighn of ml.Guaranteed take off.:r
  13. Rock

    Beautiful grapes, not so beautiful chemistry...

    Joe,new readings on the Lanza OVZ from Westchester Amateaur winemaking club.Same grapes as yours are reading 3.5ph 25 brixs.
  14. Rock

    Beautiful grapes, not so beautiful chemistry...

    I would not worry about your ta until after pf.but work with your ph now make sure your numbers are correct and add the tartaric acid.
  15. Rock

    Beautiful grapes, not so beautiful chemistry...

    I would add tartaric acid to bring your ph down a bit.I use .2N sodium hydroxide 15mls of wine sample 5mls distilled water.add your .2 untill 8.2 what ever you use is your ta .So if you use 7ml=.7
  16. Rock

    Beautiful grapes, not so beautiful chemistry...

    did you add distilled water?
  17. Rock

    Beautiful grapes, not so beautiful chemistry...

    Hey joe what type of noah are you using?this sounds kind of high for ta
  18. Rock

    Oak Advise Requested

    Also depends on the kind of yeast you used to get the pepper taste you talk about.I have CS and CF in an american oak barrel from last year this wine has more vanilla and smokey.I had a cab come out of a french oak barrel with coca and chocolate,i think you will need to try it your self to taste...
  19. Rock

    First time Making Merlot

    When ph goes up ta goes down!
  20. Rock

    All Grapes are In

    Nice Paul,hope you can get some of that cab.franc to add to your CS.I would have made the same adjustments on the brix good luck.Any ph#s?