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  1. J


    Degassing, I know what it is and I have read how to do it and will most likley get one of the drilled powered degassers, and while I am sure it has been addressed here in the past I can't locate the thread. Ouestion is when do you do it and why? The instructions that came with my kit cover...
  2. J

    Just ranting

    Tell your son THANKS, and I can only guess at how tough this is for a parent. I remember the first time my dad shook my hand like a man, it was as I was getting on the bus to leave for Basic Training, there was also a slight trimble in his lip that I had never seen before or never saw again...
  3. J

    Wondering what I should have seen

    Wade, I am impressed. So you are pulling a vacume on the empty carboy with a hose running to the full one, which in turn pulls the liquid into the empty one? Searched for a pump but need a little more informantion. if you could supply the brand and mod. I can get the specks and find something...
  4. J

    Where do you place the equipment

    Could be that I am being too up tight but everything I have read indicates the best and quickest way to ruin a batch of wine is to allow it to become contaminated. Having just started my first batch I am trying to do everything I can to be sucessfull. The kit instructions indicate I should be...
  5. J

    Wondering what I should have seen

    7.9 gal food grade bucket with grommeted lid econolock air lock 6 gal glass carboy hydrometer bottle brush racking tube with tip container of easy clean ferrari auto bottle filler shut off clamp easy double lever corker 24 inch plastic spoon 5/16 inch auto-siphon reciepe handbook...
  6. J

    Wondering what I should have seen

    Hope this is not too elementary but I am working on my first batch. Followed the instructions on the fruit wine base lable, yesterday was add yeast, today is stir gentely and repeat daily until SG lowers to 1.040 (four or five days). When I uncoverd the primary fermenter today I observed an...
  7. J

    Are wine kits user friendly and the best choice for a first time winemaker?

    could have used more instruction I bought an equipment kit and can of wine base. The kit I got gave a pretty good summary of what each piece did but not much information on how and when to use. I could have used more instruction and while I hate to admit it pictures would have been helpfull...
  8. J

    What R you doing today?

    Hoping my very first attempt at making wine is not a desaster and wishing I still had enough ice to go ice fishing.
  9. J

    Elderberry Wine

    brings back memories I just started making wine yesterday, but I do have fond memories of picking elderberries with my grandmother some 45 years ago. We picked stem and all, put in paper bag them pulled the berry off the stem sitting around the table at grandmaw's that night. She made jelly.
  10. J

    Wow, so much to learn

    After doing lots of research on the internet I decided to give wine making a try. I live in a rural area so the closest supply store I know of is about a 60 mile trip. Went and pruchased an "equipment kit" and at the advise of the owner a container of "Vintner's HARVEST'', elderberry wine...