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  1. joseph

    Visitors in my Vineyard

    lode that with no.7.5 shot you could take out whole bunch of ducks
  2. joseph

    Am back

    Greetings all good to be back in WA, just got done bottling the cherry wine i think spring is here in eastern wa. getting ready to make more wine BEST joseph
  3. joseph

    I'll Be Back

    Greetings All been checking in time to time coming back soon best Joseph
  4. joseph

    old wine need imput

    old wine greetings winesecrets i ment i had some old wine, that i was worred about, it was in a carboy for along time So i bottled it right away, i was new to making wine i did not add any suphites to it before bottled it so should i pull corks ,and sulphite.or leave it alone best joseph.
  5. joseph


    Well It been fun all But will be leaving for New York on the 18th Nov. be there until feb . Best to All. Joseph
  6. joseph

    old wine need imput

    Greetings i have some old wine thati wanted to save i just botteled it with out doing anything ! should i pull the corks or 2 leave it alonright at 28 years old. Joseph
  7. joseph


    good afternoon yah true story But in hast to bottle i did not do anything to the wine maby i should added some sulphites what do you all think should ipull the corks or leave it alone ??? Joseph
  8. joseph


    speaking of letting things set.. When i frist started making wine not to long ago i was looking for more carboys a friend of mine made wine along time ago too. s=So i called him and asked if he still had his carboys he said he had got ride of them a couple days later he called me said he had...
  9. joseph


    OH ' i must of miss spelled it Sorry Joseph
  10. joseph

    Is this cold enough to freeze fruit?

    Thats hard to belive Leanne . for a they seem fairley golly. most of the time i spent 3 months with my bother and sister inlaws they live there just out of London. alot of fox runing around.there Joseph
  11. joseph

    Is this cold enough to freeze fruit?

    Sorry troy was looking at another post . as for the 50. but as for the mining i mined in Nome. forom june utill the weather changed. but thats anouther story.Joseph
  12. joseph

    Is this cold enough to freeze fruit?

    is that a 50 cal. your shooting. joseph
  13. joseph

    Is this cold enough to freeze fruit?

    well you cant do any gold mining at that temp. Joseph
  14. joseph


    allie have never made mead before but would like to try kewe. joseph
  15. joseph


    thanks for the warm welcome. tom, st allie, mmadmikes, wade, leanne. Snowed here yesterday. so i guess my wine making is over till next spring this year i made 10 gal of rainere cherry wine form the 6 trees it back of house it has been racked 4 times now, going to bottle this comming march...
  16. joseph


    Greetings to all , i am new to this sight but have been looking in, for some time . was looking for a place to plant my feet . injoy reading your post, learning alot Any way I live in Dryden WA. not far from wenatchee wa. been making wine for awile now 10 gal Cherry wine 25 gal .of...