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  1. M

    going to college for winemaking?

    Des Moines community college in Iowa has a ecology program that's is online and you only have to do 2day of class time at the school. Every week their is a video posted online that is from the class the day before. Paul Gospodarczyk is the teacher. I have taken vin 150 and that was a great...
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    Hello From Iowa!

    Welcome from another Iowan. Skeeter pee is awesome a great summer drink.
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    Burnt rubber pee

    I sulfited and fined with super clear. How much k-meta did you they will cause a burnt smell?
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    Frontenac Grape Recipe

    Mlf was completed about a month ago and is sitting in a carboy aging. Tastes ok but needs a lot more time.
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    Learning before a contest

    Here is a great class I took online its all about wine tasting and wine regions.
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    Bottle size

    I put my port in 375.
  7. M

    Holiday cheers

    Cabelas is a great store do you know they sell wine making kits and Weston wine press!!!
  8. M

    Hole in the lid of the Primary Bucket

    If your going to snap the lid on tight your going to have to leave the hole open so your co2 can escape!!!
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    Most of the sediment is so compacted on the bottom of the carboy to get it loose your going to have to scrape it off and that will mix part of it back into the wine
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    WineXpert Do Island Mist kits need additional aging?

    I bottled my blackberry cab with the directions and I do have a few bottles with sediment so I would wait a while longer.
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    Infrared thermometer

    They work great its all I use to check my temps!!!
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    I would not use the skin of pomegranate it is very bitter and will make the wine taste bad!!!
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    Tempus fugit

    Tom-On the instruction from midwest for this wine they give you sorbate to add after mlf
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    Tempus fugit

    start it once fermentation has completed
  15. M

    Whats a good starting size for a first pee? 3 gal? 1 gal?

    I would keep to the recipe and make 5 gal. (even this may not last you very long)
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    Tempus fugit

    My instructions say let sit 6 weeks
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    Which Refrigerator Thermostat?

    Yes I have seen some people put the tip of that thermometer in the must
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    Which Refrigerator Thermostat?

    At first I did not see what you were using it for. I have seen some people use them to control their brew belts I would not want anything with lead going into my wine.
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    Which Refrigerator Thermostat?

    Just make sure they are lead free
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    Pressing bag

    Thats where I get mine. I just cut a hole in the bottom of it for my press.