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  1. S

    Bottling from the carboy ...

    Dawg, my SG reading tonight (3 days from bottling) was 1.000!! I made juice!! IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO?!
  2. S

    Bottling from the carboy ...

    Yeah, turns out I didn't make wine. I made juice. 😢
  3. S


    Hey All! Disaster has struck! I just did an SG reading on my 5 week plus wine--ready to bottle Saturday--and it's just slightly over 1.000. That's pretty much what it was on Day 1. What did I do wrong? I followed the kit instructions to the letter! There is very little alcohol in it, nothing...
  4. S

    Bottling from the carboy ...

    Thank you! I didn't have a packet called kmeta, but I added sulfites at the end, so I'm assuming it's the same idea. Thanks!
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    Bottling from the carboy ...

    That makes sense! Thank you!
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    Bottling from the carboy ...

    This sounds great, except for the part where I don't know what kmeta is! What is kmeta?
  7. S

    Bottling from the carboy ...

    I felt like I read something somewhere that suggested you had to get it OUT of the carboy when it was ready. This is excellent, and thank you all! I'll let everyone know how it tastes ... wow. I made wine!!
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    Susie from Canada

    You're like a hero, but in wine!
  9. S

    Bottling from the carboy ...

    THANK YOU!! This site is going to be SO useful!!
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    Susie from Canada

    Lol. Now go to the beginner's forum and answer my question about bottling!
  11. S

    Bottling from the carboy ...

    Hello All!3. I will be ready to bottle my 6 week wine on Sunday, August 2. We, however, are leaving town on August 3. Can I leave it in the carboy for the week that we will be away, and bottle it when I get home, or do I have to bottle it all that day? Or the day before, etc. (Aug 2 is...
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    Susie from Canada

    I liked it. I feel like I'm home. *sniff*
  13. S

    Susie from Canada

    Never @KCCam ! :D
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    Susie from Canada

    You guys are both hilarious! And "hilarious" is a place where our two nations meet--we both use the "ou" in hilarious!
  15. S

    Susie from Canada

    Nice! I've been avidly reading the "tweaking" posts. Not the twerking posts--not going to twerk for wine. But the tweaking of the less expensive kits sounds BRILLIANT. When I make my next batch, I'm going to give it a try.
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    Susie from Canada

    We're EVERYWHERE! Ha ha.
  17. S

    What's in your glass tonight?

    I'm very much still at the "follow the instructions to the letter" stage of wine making. Tweaking is somewhere in the future (which I hope to figure out through this forum!)
  18. S

    What's in your glass tonight?

    That's where I live! We're new Costco members. I can't wait to price compare!
  19. S

    What's in your glass tonight?

    Wait a minute ... COSTCO SELLS WINE KITS? Is that true?