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  1. W

    Mosti Mondiale MM Amarone - Should I be worried?

    I gave it a good stir and lots of the oak chips that I added in the beginning floated back up. Hoping for the best. Wishing I lived in a warmer climate about now!
  2. W

    Mosti Mondiale MM Amarone - Should I be worried?

    I guess I should wait then? Being that it's my first kit, I have yet to invest in additives such as energizer. If this kit goes well, I wil probably make fruit wines. To control the temperature, I have been immersing the carboy in water and using a fish tank heater to regulate the temperature...
  3. W

    Mosti Mondiale MM Amarone - Should I be worried?

    Hi, I'm new around here and have started making my first wine kit, MM Amarone. I followed the directions, and switch the wine to the secondary at an SG 1.050 after 3 days (it said to be within 1.040 to 1.050). As the finevinewines website suggested, I placed some of the wine in a bottle (I'm...