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  1. Neviawen

    Cheap fermentation buckets?

    He was saying that if I made a batch larger than the size buckets that I had that I would have to split the batch in half because it would not fit in one of my buckets. (Like, if I made a 6 gallon batch of whatever but I only have 5 gallon buckets, I would have to split it between 2 buckets.)
  2. Neviawen

    Did I accidently kill my yeast in my mead?

    Thanks. Is there such a thing as adding too much yeast? If I add more tomorrow if there is no activity then could I over-yeast it? Sorry if that is a dumb question. I'm pretty new to the hobby. Thanks, Katie
  3. Neviawen

    Comment by 'Neviawen' in media 'This is the local honey I used.'

    I buy my honey from the local Pennsylvania Dutch Amish Market in Mullica Hill, NJ.
  4. Neviawen

    Did I accidently kill my yeast in my mead?

    Hi Guys, Quick question: I was in the kitchen this morning and had 3lb of clover honey sitting around so decided to whip up a new batch of mead. I was multi-tasking while cooking, chasing the kids, unloading/reloading the dishwasher, etc., and I accidentally added a crushed campden tablet to...
  5. Neviawen

    Comment by 'Neviawen' in media 'DSCN1871'

    Awesome wine room. :) I think if I had a room like this in my house it would be where you could find me in all of my waking hours. How many bottles do you have stored?
  6. Neviawen

    Dreaming of a Designated Brew/Wine Space

    Hi, You have a very pretty dining room. :) I am fairly new to wine making myself and am still up in the air about how I'm going to store my bottles once made. I have all the carboys in my kitchen at the moment but am working on a little storage area underneath my steps. (It used to be a storage...
  7. Neviawen

    Stuck Ferment or is it done?

    Hi and thanks for the help. Wade: I did use nutrient when I first started the batch and it is 68 degrees F. I will move it to a warmer location and keep checking the SP. If after I move it to a warmer location and in a few days I still get the same reading, how do I go about starting...
  8. Neviawen

    Stuck Ferment or is it done?

    Hello, I had a question about a batch of Mead I am currently making. It is a clover flavored honey with tangerine peels in it. I used K1V-1116. I started the batch on 2/19/2012 (9 days ago). The starting SG was 1.080. I’ve stirred every day/every other day, checking the SG. All looked well in...
  9. 2 28 12 Clover Mead maybe stuck?

    2 28 12 Clover Mead maybe stuck?

  10. Blueberry Melomel

    Blueberry Melomel

    I just made this today. Looks pretty in the bucket.
  11. Neviawen

    Cheap fermentation buckets?

    So if I get a 6 gallon kit, do I split the ingredients (yeast, oak, etc.) in half and put half of the juice and ingredients in 1 bucket and 1/2 in another? Or should I buy a separate packet of yeast/ingredients for each bucket? (I don't want to short change either bucket by not getting the...
  12. Neviawen

    Cheap fermentation buckets?

    Good idea about storing stuff I already sanitized in one of the buckets. That will def. make it easier. I need to pick up some k-meta next time I visit the supply store. All I have is campden tablets left. Does anyone use bleach to sanitize their stuff? I've used that when I ran out of k-meta...
  13. Neviawen

    Cheap fermentation buckets?

    Awesome! Thanks for all the help today guys. I went to Sam's Club today and the guy at the bakery gave me ALL the buckets and lids he had. I now have (6) 5 gallon buckets and (6) 3 gallon buckets. Now I have to find stuff to fill them with. :db I do have 2 daughters- ages 6 and 3. They...
  14. Neviawen

    Cheap fermentation buckets?

    Please excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by ferment to "dry"? Does that mean to keep it in the fermentation bucket longer than like a week? I usually only keep the stuff in the primary for a week or 2, then siphon into a glass carboy. So I technically don't need an airlock and grommet?
  15. Neviawen

    Cheap fermentation buckets?

    Thanks, Flem. Do I get the little grommet things from Lowes or do you think the brew store sells those, too? Do you think they are a standard size? I never thought to look at those places and put the grommet in myself.
  16. Neviawen

    Cheap fermentation buckets?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew where to purchase cheap fermentation buckets with lids that already have the grommet inserted? My Local brew store sells them for around ~$30 for the 6 gal. bucket and lid together. I would like to have more than 1 wine going at a time but I only have 1 big...
  17. Neviawen

    Hi from NJ

    I didn't know prisoners made wine out of the potatoes but it would not surprise me! I read that potato wine was the drinks of the old pioneers on the wagon trail due to they always had an abundance of potatoes because they kept well for their long trip.