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  1. C

    red blend ideas

    i do 50% shiraz 50% merlot have been for years and it is really nice
  2. C

    Airlock vs oil seal

    Hello everyone , I have searched around here for answers can cannot find. My question is , i am currently bulk aging red wine in my 200 VARIABLE capacity tank. Once its aged and ready to drink am i able to use the air seal lid or do i need to use the floating lid with oil ? I want to use...
  3. C

    Can I bottle my wine without potassium sorbate?

    great read , thanks guys ive currently got a 6month year old merlot/shiraz aging now I will be adding this to stabilize and backsweeten
  4. C

    HELLO from australia

    Hello , Name is TJ i am from Australia , Calabrian background, ive been making RED GRAPE wine for a few years now on my own, though growing up when the grandparents were able to it was a once a year get together with the family event. I am only interested in red grape wine nothing else. Now that...