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  1. AlFulchino

    New Hardiness Zones from your Government

    Read the article below and then my comments below that New Planting Map Reflects Warmer Winters By Rick Ganley (maplink - click to view NH's new Hardiness map) The USDA recently released a new growing zone...
  2. AlFulchino

    "Goeie More" (Good day) from South Africa

    terrific that your wife is the grower of the grapes you make into wine!
  3. AlFulchino

    Can I fix an oxidized wine?

    the trouble is that like any varietal or blend there are good and bad in each group our history w wine is a lifetime in the 'getting'
  4. AlFulchino


    well then rack it off onto that cheese cloth...finish the degassing by any way you choose and get this stabilized right after that ps i will pick up a bottle my next trip down there ....just kidding
  5. AlFulchino

    Can I fix an oxidized wine?

    when you bulk aged did you use an airlock during this time or a solid bung...i think this may be the key to your wine history's mystery i may be wrong from here but this point is worth raising
  6. AlFulchino

    HOT Secondary fermenter... Problem?

    you may have rid the wine of some gas by previously stated it is likely ok....if the wine did get hot itself then you may wish to finish off the degassing now and stabilize but before all of this i would want to know the current must know this to see whether to proceed w...
  7. AlFulchino


    if you are now at the degassing stage, i would go ahead and rack that off to make sure the plastic is out now...proceed to degas and then stabilize
  8. AlFulchino


    you may consider running the wine thru a kitchen screen thing that women have in the kitchen to make sure you catch that plastic...i dont know if its floating orjust settling down to the bottom...good luck!
  9. AlFulchino

    Growing Cold Hardy Grapes

    my suggestions: a) continue to purchase your aunts wine b) you lean toward liking the whites that you are capable of growing in you temperature zone...since you are only planting four vines, grow these because you will expend the same effort as planting reds that you are not currently...
  10. AlFulchino


    Tony i do the same as Rocky...straight into the glass and sometimes in to a decanter
  11. AlFulchino


    Rosa Rosa is where you are at and we all face this, it is the good, better best scenario.....the drill is the simple method it has its pros and cons....that is good......a brake bleeder is better, its pros are a better degassing without all that air introduction and no stirring up...
  12. AlFulchino

    Just ordered some Vines...

    Hi Robie, i wont pretend to be a deer expert, but this i witnessed for the last year...before installing my electric fence (2 wire w 5000 volts) in the back area i had deer, turkey and coyote every day......i put up the fence for baby bulls and it stopped day continued this way as they...
  13. AlFulchino

    Growing Cold Hardy Grapes

    still though, you did it right w the test you can take even the grapes you are not fond of and try some out of the box thinking and maybe you can make wine out of lemons
  14. AlFulchino

    Bad news

    certainly got the moneys worth...wonder what it cost to run..i have to buy a couple within the next 14 days to be ready for my meats to come in
  15. AlFulchino

    Growing Cold Hardy Grapes

    out of curiousity...what wines have you tried that you do not enjoy? this would be very interesting
  16. AlFulchino


    a temp of 70 degrees or thereabouts of the wine itself will aid in permitting the gas to escape by itself and also w your methods to extract the prev suggested here look into methods to see how to simple way is to purchase a small hand held brake bleeder from an auto...
  17. AlFulchino

    Suggested way to source grapes from locals?

    Steve said it all......knock on the door of these locals...i expect the bounty will be more than you can handle at the start...generous people wine makers/grape growers are
  18. AlFulchino

    Growing Cold Hardy Grapes

    this is the most important sentence you wrote: "(I have hated all cold hardy red wines I have tasted)?" you can grow grapes but i think you need to scour around for a wine made form what is available to you that you at least remotely enjoy...of course you will be the winemaker and...
  19. AlFulchino


    Tony i was given the Vinturi a couple of yrs back and on an 12 month aged zinfandel that was at 17% abv it did a great great job...i could not believe the difference...over time as the wine aged to three yrs the vinturi was not i would encourage you to at least have it at your...
  20. AlFulchino

    Exploding Bottles, what did I do wrong?

    "It's not really necessary to backsweeten and wait before bottling. You can do it that way--but it's not necessary. We backsweeten, add some meta, sorbate, and bottle in the same day. However the wine will be "hot" tasting and you should let the bottles rest for a couple weeks before opening."...