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  1. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    So Trevor, I visited you winery website and I'm curious how you got to where you are now. What was the path? I assume you are married to Stephanie? I'd love to hear more if you're willing to share. Also, how much wine did you guys make in your first years of production? Did you grow...
  2. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    If I ever get into grapes, I'd love to use a setup like that. Seems like a very efficient and versatile way to ferment and press.
  3. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    Personally, i wouldn't use it for a grape wine. Just don't think it's necessary.
  4. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    Is that one of those fancy vacuum presses or something else?
  5. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    No opinion on nutrient. I've only used Fermaid O to help in the middle of fermentation, not in the starter. The stuff stinks and looks kinda gross though. Lol. I like the idea of reserving a gallon or two of each batch to see how they compare. You can always age separately and then blend...
  6. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    Is the intention to use 2 strains and blend after fermentation? Or is the plan to make 2 different wines? I don't have an opinion other than I think RC212 is used commonly around the forum as it's commonly supplied in the higher end red kits I've seen. For that reason alone, if making 2...
  7. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    This is probably the best part of WMT... we all act like adults and are respectful to one another. It's nice to have something that brings a bunch of unlikeminded people together on common ground. The reason people come here is to learn and help one another. WMT is unique to most of the...
  8. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    since i have a bunch of extra yeast packets in my fridge, i will absolutely try this. i love experiments. i do stir all my starters so i'm interested to see if there will be a difference. edit... i will drop this topic here as i don't want to hijack this thread!
  9. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    well, i do not have experience using distilled water. it's my understanding is that any deoxygenated water will slowly absorb O2 if allowed to sit (and likely more rapidly if it is agitated/stirred). not sure if absorb is the correct term to use here. in my short timeframe of making wines...
  10. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    also, what do you mean by ruin your fermentation? can you clarify this?
  11. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    if this is your opinion on distilled water, wouldn't you feel the same about RO water? it too has little to no minerals remaining. additionally, since you are adding only 200ml of water before pitch, wouldn't such a small amount of water combine with the minerals, sugars, etc. from the grape...
  12. B

    New winemakers in Alaska

    Welcome to WMT! You're pretty far north but I'm actually further right now. I'm on the slope. LOL
  13. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    i typically use RO water for my wine kits. what is the issue with distilled water in must?
  14. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    Opti-red and lallyzyme sound great if you already have them on hand. I've used colorpro but never used lallyzyme but it probably does the same thing.
  15. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    Those are big oak chunks. Is this commonly used with the volume your fermenting? I normally see chips or shreds used.
  16. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    Do you intend to add any tannin additives like FT Rouge, Opti-Red or other?
  17. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    What nutrient do you prefer? Fermaid, DAP or something else? The last time I used RC212 in an Amarone kit the fermentation seemed to stick and I ended up dropping EC118 to finish it.
  18. B

    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    Bryan, what is your favorite yeast for big reds? I know you've tried a lot of different ones. Do u have a fav?