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  1. B

    WineXpert Wine secondary problem

    I just read through those kit instructions. If I was making that kit. I'd combine the steps of primary and secondary and just do 1 fermentation. Oak would be added in the very beginning. I'd only rack to a carboy once there was clear signs that fermentation was complete (or very slow) and...
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    WineXpert Wine secondary problem

    Sounds like the oak chips are fermentation oak (sacrificial) and not finishing oak. Two different things. What brand kit is this? Typically, most people add sacrificial oak in the primary. If your primary has a good seal, you can leave it sit in that container until fermentation is 99%...
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    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    I've never made wine from fresh grapes (yet) but IMO I'd be happy enough with anything above 21 brix but a little higher would be better if I was wanting a little more kick. I also think it's less about alcohol and more about finish and quality. I'd happily give up 1% to 2% abv for a better...
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    WineXpert Wine secondary problem

    What container were you using for primary fermentation? Does it have a lid that seals or was it just open top? Also, how much time was it between when you first started seeing fermentation to when you racked to secondary? A few days? A week? Normally if fermentation is going strong, there is...
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    Zinfandel grapes -> wine! A new member's introduction via a 75L of red deliciousness.

    You're awesome for starting this group thread. 👏
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    cork life

    On the corker... maybe it's an Italian. It's a big metal SOB painted in a blue metallic enamel. I got it second hand from a neighbor/friend. It's probably 20 years old but very good quality. I have a shrink wrap holder but it takes longer to use it than it does just doing it by hand. Maybe...
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    Finer Wine Kit Finer Wine Kits

    I'm definitely doing a blind tasting. Two bottles. One decanted and the other straight poured and blended. For Science!!! 🤘
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    cork life

    FWIW, I drop my normacorcs into a bowl with kmeta solution and swirl them around for a few seconds and then start corking. Kmetas probably not needed but it makes me feel better. I'm literally at the finish line- why not just do this last step. Besides, I always have a bunch of kmeta still on...
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    Result of using bourbon barrel

    Yeah, feel pretty fortunate to live there. It's currently a decent place to raise a family and my wife and kids really like it. Not sure what it's going to turn into though. I fear it's going to start looking like California soon. There are a lot of people moving in.
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    Finer Wine Kit Finer Wine Kits

    Are you using a vacuum stopper or just plain?
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    Result of using bourbon barrel

    When I re-cooped my barrel, I ended up using a paste made of flour and water on the heads. Filled with hot water and it hardly leaked at all. I found that the heads are the most difficult area to seal. Prior to using the paste, I spent a couple days trying to get it sealed without success...
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    Result of using bourbon barrel

    So that's the trade secret! 😆 Thanks! Silicone does not like being drilled. It conforms too much. I just ran oversized bits back and forth until the holes opened up enough.
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    Result of using bourbon barrel

    I like the bourbon barrel wine made by Beringer Bros. It's quite nice and has a unique finish and taste. I finally got wine into my reclaimed (re-cooped) 20+ yo French oak barrel. I had holding solution in it for a full year hoping to nuetralize it as much as possible. I was amazed at how...
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    For Sale Free in San Antonio Area - Carboys

    Thank goodness! Sometimes being lazy pays off... at least for me anyway 😆 Can it wait till after Christmas? I need to make a trip to SA sometime next week. I'll shoot you a DM with my cell. Just shoot me a message and we can figure it out.
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    For Sale Free in San Antonio Area - Carboys

    Please don't tell me you already tossed them?!?!
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    For Sale Free in San Antonio Area - Carboys

    You're in SA? I'm in Boerne. I'll take them!!!
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    What's in your glass tonight?

    I was just texting with a buddy about wine. He is a winemaker as well. Anyway, I recommended a bottle of amarone that I purchased last year from Trader Joes and recently purchased again this year. It's Ca' Storica Amarone Della Valpolicella. It was reasonably priced and very good. I haven't...
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    Degassing in carboy with whip

    Interesting... Whether good or bad, I have not degassed the last 5 wines kits I've made. They are all bulk aging in carboys at this time with 3 of them (that are approx. 6 months old) going into a barrel this month. I intend to rack once more before barreling before I move to the barrel...
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    Finer Wine Kit Finer Wine Kits

    I also feel like I need to try the FWK PN but just don't have the capacity to handle it right now.
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    Finer Wine Kit Finer Wine Kits

    I made one of the last go around FWK sangios. I have some bottled alone and some blended with Tavola cab and the blend seems slightly better IMO. But my preference has changed a few times as the wine has aged. Like the PS I made early last year has gotten better also. At 1 year I was very...