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    WineXpert Winexpert Revelation

    Over $13 after tax, shipping, and other. Pretty ridiculous. They might be good but I wouldn't purchase 15 bottles of any $13 bottle of wine without tasting it first. There are a bunch of really good quality wines in the $15 range that are sure bets. This kit is tailored to people with more...
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    Finer Wine Kit Finer Wine Kits

    My gut feeling is that on the Forte/Tavola end of things, these kits would be balanced fine but adding 4 to 6 more gallons of water might screw the balance off. Idk? I would imagine that most people with the desire to buy these bulk sized kits are not looking to maximize volume by diluting...
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    Finer Wine Kit Finer Wine Kits

    Looking at the website description, I question the idea of water dilution to pick what side of the Forte, Tavola, Novello spectrum a person wants to land on. I hear folks on this forum often say "the FWKs are "balanced" so then end result after adding water is correct. If this is the case...
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    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Dang, Joe! How old are your airlocks? :oops: Are they stained or has the plastic just yellowed over time? 🤣
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    Finer Wine Kit Petite Sirah

    Decanting helped it a little but not as much as I would hope. I didn't add glycerin when I bottled. I think it would've helped. I think EM might have also helped smooth it out. From my limited experience, the wines I did EM on are easier to drink.
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    Finer Wine Kit Petite Sirah

    FWIW, I made a FWK Forte PS in Feb of 2022 and bottled in December. I followed directions with no changes save for bulk aging 9+ months and skipping sorbate. The FWK is a far cry from Michael David's PS. I think it tastes harsh and slightly bitter. I hope another year in the bottle improves...
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    Hello All

    I seen that- I was tempting to buy 2 kits and make 6 gal. The experimental side of me really wanted to pull the trigger. The side of me that experienced kit taste on the last WE kit i made pumped the brakes. Considering it's ends up being over $10/bottle is high. It would need to be VERY...
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    synthetic corks Here is one with plastic jaws. Says compatible with synthetic.
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    synthetic corks Thats what i assumed but did a quick search and this is what I came across. The corker they say works with synthetic is plastic jawed. It made me think that I've had the whole thing backwards. 🤔
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    synthetic corks

    Can anyone explain why a plastic jaw corker is acceptable to use with synthetic corks but a brass jaw corker is not? I don't see how the brass jaws crease the synthetic cork and the plastic does not. Don't they use the same mechanics to operate? I have an Italian floor corker with brass jaws...
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    Wine on skins

    I did a 4 week EM (approx 5 weeks from pitching yeast) in May of 2022 and didn't have any issues with mold. As long as you keep the lid shut under airlock and there are no leaks, I do not forsee you having any issues. I've very happy with how it turned out.
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    Finer Wine Kit Finer Wine Kits

    Yes, they will last longer in the freezer. Freeze the skin packs also if not using right away.
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    Finer Wine Kit Petite Sirah

    That's one of my favorite wines. Exceptional.
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    Finer Wine Kit Novello Pinot Noir

    I would imagine that this wine could also be aged/consumered for a duration well over 1 year. It might be lighter than Tavola or Forte but not that light. I'd be surprised if it tasted drinkable before 5 months regardless.
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    Dry wine making kits

    You're saying they might decant a wine 24 hrs in advance? Do they leave in the decanter exposed to air for the entire duration before drinking?
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    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    By weight, I used 10 oz of a blend of cherries, blueberries and raisins in a 6 gal sangiovese kit. I would not go with 16oz. Having used them, they definitely add a fruit forward taste to a red wine. Unless u want a strong flavor, I would be careful with how much you use. I would probably use...
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    Kieselsol and Chitosan Test results

    Bryan, I can Venmo you some cash to pay for shipping and inconvenience if you want to send me two bottles this fall (after the heat of summer). You can label them 1 and 2 so I can run a blind tasting for you! Just shoot me a PM if your interested. I'd love to be part of your experiment!
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    Kieselsol and Chitosan Test results

    I'm definitely on board with running an experiment. Unfortunately, I'm approximately 1 year out from bottling my next batch. I'm all caught up with my wines except for the 18 gallons I just started that will be going into my recouped barrel after about 6 months aging in carboys. So yeah...
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    Kieselsol and Chitosan Test results

    I'm definitely on board with running an experiment. Unfortunately, I'm approximately 1 year out from bottling my next batch. I'm all caught up with my wines except for the 18 gallons I just started that will be going into my recouped barrel after about 6 months aging in carboys. So yeah...
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    Kieselsol and Chitosan Test results

    This entire thread makes me wonder if there would be a noticeable difference in the taste of a filtered vs unfiltered wine. I also use the AIO with a 5 micron polypropylene filter. The polypropylene is not supposed to affect taste but... this is an assumption without a study/comparison to...