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  1. cmason1957

    Watermelon ordeal

    Vinometers are notoriously wrong. Particularly in sweet wines. You can almost give up on restarting fermentation.
  2. cmason1957

    Malolactic Fermentation question I have

    I will add my personal experience. I generally do mlb on several batches each year. I exclusively use glass carboys. I have never had a spontaneous Malolactic fermentation. I do clean well with oxyclean free and kmeta with acid added. I have always doubted how easily mlf might start.
  3. cmason1957

    Blue Ferrari Corker Maintenance Info

    I tried to fix mine with the heat and beat method. Have up, purchased a new one.
  4. cmason1957

    Hi All from Jakarta Indonesia

    Welcome to WMT! And good luck in your winemaking endeavors.
  5. cmason1957

    SP not clearing

    I would probably wait at least a week. Let it work. You might start to see some stuff falling out, might not. Usually, for me anyway, it takes at least two or three rankings and time for all the CO2 to get out. Heck, since it's just Skeeter Pee, you could serve it cloudy, it won't hurt anybody.
  6. cmason1957

    SP not clearing

    I have always only used K/C for clearing any wine, particularly Skeeter Pee. So yes it will work. I wonder if you still have lots of CO2 in your wine. It's been a long time since I made SP, but I thought I added it, that's memory and sometimes... You can always add some and see if it helps...
  7. cmason1957

    Black Grapes

    The CO2 produced from 77 gallons of just should not be enough to cause you issues. I have done more than that before with no issues.
  8. cmason1957

    The Bread Thread

    I will post this picture for my wife, she is the baker. I like to measure things inaccurately (she says not at all) so she bakes, not me. The sourdough starter made us easy to get from a bakery in San Francisco, via in laws in Texas. She never makes a bad loaf with it.
  9. cmason1957

    Cloudy wine before backsweetening

    If you do not it with more pectic enzyme, which is what I would do, double or triple the dosage. Pectic enzyme is reported not to work nearly as well in the presence of alcohol. And you may need to do this, wait a month or so, do it again.
  10. cmason1957

    Ridiculous low PH

    Did a taste of the juice give a huge pucker factor when you drank it. A pH of 2.5 would probably not taste very good. My guess is that the pH meter is off. Even though it calibrated fine.
  11. cmason1957

    What's in your glass tonight?

    This summer when Joyce (my spouse) and I visited the local brewery near the lake we go to, in Minnesota, we tried a beverage they made called Bloody Pickled Wizard. It is a beer with pickles added that when they serve it, they add Bloody Mary Mix to. Amazingly good. Me being the inquisitive type...
  12. cmason1957

    Using granulated sugar in traditional natural herb wine recipes

    What is the difference between refined and unrefined sugars is a question I asked myself, in hopes that the answer might lead to which is better for winemaking. I found the answer I cared about here. Bottom line from what I could gather not...
  13. cmason1957

    What's for Dinner?

    This is what will be for dinner tonight and several other nights. 2 smoked whole chickens, carcass into the stock pot with goodies for chicken stock, to be followed up later with chicken soup of some form of other. Smoked chickens make wonderful chicken salad and anything else. Right now the...
  14. cmason1957

    Natural corks leaking

    I had this happen to me one time. I had soaked those agglomerated corks in sanitizing solution. Never again. And no we don't need anyone to post the SNL corksoaker video.
  15. cmason1957

    Malolactic Fermentation doesn't seem to be starting

    I have had successful malolactic fermentations with tiny bubbles visible and without. I have never detected an airlock burble from any of the seven or eight years I have done. The only way to know if malolactic fermentation has done anything is to check. I prefer to use the malolactic test...
  16. cmason1957

    RJ Spagnols RJS kits

    When making a kit, secondary fermentation usually is taken to mean racking from the primary fermentation vessel (a bucket) to a carboy. In your case, I would call it when you snap the lid down. In from grapes, I call secondary fermentation, malolactic fermentation. How much tannin, I...