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  1. cmason1957

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    The news around the St. Louis area has been trying to make it seem almost like that. I think we have had a story every broadcast that has at least one line about don't look at the sun without your special glasses and make sure you check your special glasses to be sure they are good before the...
  2. cmason1957

    General Question about Pri.

    It's looking good. Open top or closed, either is fine, fermentation will happen for most musts. I find open a little bit better for red type wines, where I like to stir once, twice, or thrice a day. As you point out, it makes it easier to stir and to then add nutrients at a specific point...
  3. cmason1957

    Stuck Zucchini! Help!

    I would certainly take it off the heating pad, 92F is way high and may stress your yeast significantly.
  4. cmason1957

    Certificate vs bachelors

    Welcome to WMT!! I think which program you end up going with may depend on your current life experiences. If you are well versed in the Chemistry area, feel confident talking about reactions and organic chemistry, the certificate process may be the way to go. If you aren't and also maybe need...
  5. cmason1957

    WineXpert kit blending

    I believe that WE (and maybe some of the other companies) have said they follow labeling laws, which in the US anyway means it is at least 75% Sauvignon Blanc, now whether it is blended or not, that's one of the those things they aren't required to share. I would think at the Private Reserve...
  6. cmason1957

    Chardonnay Progression

    What temperature do you have you wine sitting at? I have a vague memory that ch35 likes it a bit warmer than other bacteria. How long should you wait? I think back to some winemakers that don't add bacteria at all and wait from Oct. Until sometime in spring or even summer for it to finish. Are...
  7. cmason1957

    Moving Lots of Must

    I crush mine at the vineyard whet I pick it up into normal fermentation buckets. Cash those down to the basement, pour into 20 gallon buckets and cement those. Moving must take a must pump. The all in one wine pump. (which I have) is great for liquids, but probably not for must. Now Steve...
  8. cmason1957

    Bradford Pear Bounty

    Missouri has basically banned them, along with several other states. They have even gone so far as to offer residents a new tree, if you show evidence that you have taken one down on your property.
  9. cmason1957

    Post a photo, any photo

    Nothing is a trash tree compared to Bradford Pear Trees. Ugly, weak trees that smell of rotting fish for about a week every spring.
  10. cmason1957

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    My wife and I used to share a tube of toothpaste, for about 2 days. It drove me crazy. Now we each have our own. It's easier with double sinks.
  11. cmason1957

    Finer Wine Kit Oak

    I have a Novello kit (Sangiovese) and a Tavola kit (Southern Rhone) that I just added a winestix to both. These will stay in for at least 3 months and probably more like 6. The southern Rhone got a Med+ American Oak and the Sangiovese got French Oak Med +. I have been somewhat disappointed...
  12. cmason1957

    Back sweetening

    After the first racking, your wine is still young and changing. I don't backsweeten until nearly time to bottle, when the wine has had time to start to become what it might be. That and there is still lots of "stuff" (ie dead?? yeast) floating around in that not clear wine. I wait to add any...
  13. cmason1957

    5 beginner questions I couldn't find answers to

    One Step sometimes claims to be both a cleaner and a sanitizer. From it's advertising " It uses active oxygen which is released to form hydrogen peroxide, a compound long known for its sanitizing abilities. " I believe that makes it basically the same thing as OxyClean and the amount of...
  14. cmason1957

    Show Us Your Pets

    Love them blue eyes and that big hint of attitude! Got to love that in a cat.