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  1. Mango Madness

    When do I stop stirring the Brew?

    Much appreciated. Trying to remember the terms lol
  2. Mango Madness


    Thanks heaps
  3. Mango Madness

    When do I stop stirring the Brew?

    On this occassion 60L of Watermelon and Strawberry Wine but usually Mango Wine.
  4. Mango Madness


    Just wondering if I have the right Hydrometre?
  5. Mango Madness

    Chocolate Raspberry Port

    Sounds yum
  6. Mango Madness

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    Bill Gates
  7. Mango Madness


    Yes I have a hydrometer but did not know what reading to look for. Thanks so much.
  8. Mango Madness

    When do I stop stirring the Brew?

    Yes I was about to say that. I don't know all the terms. Someone directed me to a good blog. Learnt so much in a day.
  9. Mango Madness


    Cool thanks for that. What about stirring the must on the primary brew?
  10. Mango Madness

    When do I stop stirring the Brew?

    Thanks. I did have a few searches with not much luck and thought I might just put it out there. Thanks once again.
  11. Mango Madness

    Alcoholic Indulgence

    Hi and thanks.
  12. Mango Madness

    Alcoholic Indulgence

    So grateful for the help I've received I subscribed for a year. Thankyou.
  13. Mango Madness


    Wow thanks
  14. Mango Madness

    Alcoholic Indulgence

    Yes did my first one when I was about 20. I'm 21 now lol. I did stop for a long time but have done one brew a year for about five years now. I love it so much that I finally bought a proper set up and trying other fruits now. Have learnt so much in one morning from this forum.
  15. Mango Madness

    When do I stop stirring the Brew?

    Thanks for your reply. So don't put the airlock on straight away? I finished the brew on last night about 7 last night and when it was cool at about 8 this morning I added the yeast and about an hour later it started coming out of the airlock. It keeps expanding so I keep stirring it.
  16. Mango Madness

    Didn't degas and brew is tasting bitter

    Hi and thankyou so much for taking the time to reply. The last dozen bottles have maybe a quarter of a bottle of sediment which has chunks of yummy mango. These are the bottles I give away. It was a bit bitter but has improved a bit after a couple of months in the bottles. I've been lucky I...
  17. Mango Madness


  18. Mango Madness

    What combinations of fruit are no good

    I didn't know about degassing. Only just read a out it here.