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  1. Mango Madness

    Punching the Must With a Paint Stirrer

    I usually stir the brew for the first week. Wonder if using a paint stirrer in a drill is ok? Will it increase the O2 and help the yeast? Or is it a bad idea?
  2. Mango Madness

    When do I stop stirring the Brew?

    I stir the brew everyday for a week then leave it. Is that long enough or is there some rule of thumb to follow?
  3. Mango Madness

    Didn't degas and brew is tasting bitter

    I am on about my tenth brew. Have always done Mango Wine until my last brew which was Lychee and Passionfruit. I only just heard about degassing now on this forum and it might explain why the Lychee brew is so bitter. My question is.... Is it too late to degas the brew? It was bottled a week...
  4. Mango Madness


    Is it ok to put the metabisulfite in when you start the brew?
  5. Mango Madness

    Alcoholic Indulgence

    Hi All. I usually do a Mango Wine in a wheelie bin but went and bought the proper setup yesterday. I cutting back from 250L in a wheelie bin to this 60L food grade drum. Even have an airlock now. I'm starting working with different fruits now. That's where I'm at. Nice to be here.
  6. Mango Madness

    Yeast Amount in My Wine

    I currently have a 60L brew of Watermelon and Strawberries. The yeast which was CL23 says one pack per 25L but I have only put one pack for the 60L brew. I believe the yeast grow? Will it get itself to the right level needed or am I slowing down fermentation? It seems to be bubbling away nicely.
  7. Mango Madness

    What combinations of fruit are no good

    I've done going on ten brews now, seven of them would be mango wine. I thought I'd try something different and did a Lychee and Passionfruit but it turned out very bitter. I used the SL9 Yeast but the CL23 is what I have added to the Watermelon and Strawberry Wine I put on yesterday. Is it ok to...