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  1. D

    Waldo Is Back Too !!!

    Carefull there Waldo, looking at that picture, you may have to rename your winery from Cats Meow to Funny Farm Winery.
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    WineXpert Mixed results

    I started making kits a year and a half ago, so some of my kit winesare over 1 year aged now. I squirreled a few of each away, they difinetley improve a lot in that time. The only VR I have done over again is the Mezza Luna red, good body and mouthfeel, it's more likethe bigger red kits. Dave
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    RJ Spagnols RJS Austrailian Bush Vine Grenache

    Racked my LE RJS Austrailian Bush Vine Grenache, very good taste, but lacking the long finish I expected. Hopefully it will develop nicely over the next year, has anyone else here done this one? What are your thoughts? Dave
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    Waldo Is Back Too !!!

    Amazing! I thought only the Gas & Electric company acted like that. Glad you finally got re-hooked Waldo. Dave
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    Another White Zin Label

    Great Label. Dave
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    WineXpert I messed up!!!

    voz, if your wine is not degassed enough, it will not clear as fast as if it were. If you have left it in the primary, and it is gassy, the gass may have helped saved your wine, as offgassing offers some protection. Rack into the carboy,stir vigorously to degass, and let it clear. DaveEdited...
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    Winemaker mag results are in!

    The RJS Orange/Chocolate Port got 29 awards,11 of them Gold. From tasting mine, thatI just bottled, it deserves every one. MMMmmmmm Dave
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    WineXpert Mezza Luna Red - Taste Description

    I took notice, but didn't point it out. LOL
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    WineXpert Mezza Luna Red - Taste Description

    I made a Mezza Luna last year, didn't care much for the flavor after fermentation. I do not remember exactly what it tasted like, but after 6 months, it got a lot better.Much more body than any other 4 week kit I have done.One bottle that got misplaced, was 13 months at opening, It was very...
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    Doing A Little Bartering

    Very Nice!
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    Virginia Tech Tragedy

    I feel for all those who lost loved ones in Virginia Tech, I lost a very good friend to a senseless shooting 33 years ago, and sat with his wife in the emergency room when they told her he was gone. I think we are missing some of the reality of this latest massacre, it isn't only kids that go on...
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    My New Labels

    Great labels, I'm sure the wine will be too, with a little aging. Dave
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    topping up

    fun4stuff, If your SG is .998 and you have added stabalizers and F-pack, you do need to top up, within 1-2 inches of the stopper. When you said secondary, I thought it was still fermenting. Sorbate and sulfite are added before the F-pack to prevent re-fermentation. You can bulk age your wine...
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    topping up

    Your wine level is fine for secondary. You will top up after you stabalize it, you can use a similar commercial wine. Follow the directions for racking intervals. Dave
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    RJ Spagnols Grand Cru Select Barolo

    Wade, those bottles look good, great label. How does it taste? I finally got mine started yesterday. Dave
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    WineXpert Opinions needed on my little test

    Airlock is the best, but ina pinch, I have used a balloon on a bottle. Dave
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    Amount of water to add to WineExpert kits?

    There are those who have done 4 week wine kits to 5 gallons, and enjoyed them. That said, I prefer to try to add body to 4 week kits, so as not to lose those 5 bottles of wine. I have added bananas and or raisins to add body to these kits. A half dozen bananas or a pound of chopped raisins can...
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    Happy Easter

    Funny George, I can't remember a quiet weekend when my two Daughters were teenagers. I'm having them over on Easter, along with the Grandkids. Happy Easter Everyone Dave
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    RJ Spagnols Grand Cru Select Barolo

    Great info Wade, I picked up one of these kits to try. Should get it in the primary after thw weekend. Happy Easter to you and yours. Dave
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    How many carboys do you own?

    I'm only addicted now, but will definetly be going insane at this rate. Dave 3- 6 gal 8- 5 gal 1-2 1/2 gal 6- 1 gal