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    Too Much Energizer

    Thanks for the response, it's fermenting like crazy, will not add the second dose unless it stalls.
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    Too Much Energizer

    Got distracted and added 3 tsp of yeast energizer to a 5 1/2 gal batch of Skeeter Pee, should have only used 1 tsp. Using EC 1118 slurry, will this be probLematic? And should I skip or add the second addition at the 2/3 fermentation point?
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    Original Skeeter Pee Recipe

    Got Distracted Got distracted, mixed up the energizer and nutrient, should I skip the second tsp of energizer at the 1/3 fermentation phase since I added 3tsp up front?
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    Other What's the best Sauvignon Blanc you made?

    The Wife and I like the WE Sauvigon Blanc, although we adjust the acid just a touch! maybe just 002 PH really seems to make it pop. Of course this is our preference, get a PH meter and see what you like. There is a post that really goes into this on this site, sorry I cannot fint the link.
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    Does the type of airlock really matter?

    Come on experienced Wine Makres, nobody producing quality Wines use airlocks except for the very last stages of primary fermrntation. Loose cover over the primarty until your SG drops to around 1.20, then air lock it, any style. When you go to secondary it's Venting Siilcone bungs, nothing else...
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    Vinmetrica SC 100-A

    May not be the best thread for this but I just heard from Dr. Sportsman with Vinmetrica and they now give their So2 test solutions 2 years shelf life. Much better than the 6 months previously published. Clark
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    Do Cleaners/Sanitizers Create Off Flavors?

    Oxyclean, the unsented unchlorinated "GREEN" lid is the way to go. I have been using it since it first came out. Rinses easily and is very economical, the best cleaner I have used and I have use all the so called speciality cleaners, Oxyclean beats them hands down. K-Met solution to sanitize...
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    WineXpert "Contre Le Vent" CabSauv First Batch Journal

    Doug, Looking good, a few words on equipment. I like to use a self draining wine Theif as my hudrometer jar, slip the hydrometer in the Theif, take a sample, take a reading and drain back into the carboy. I always float the hydrometer in the primary bucket, so easy. Now for secondary...
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    New Bottling Accessory for the Alllinonewinepump

    Hey Steve, My bottling stopper has a small hole in the red vaccume fitting, is this essentially the same process, reduce the amount of vaccume during bottling? I like this option as I can fill at full vaccume and then take my thumb off the tube for a slower final topping off. Clark
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    WineXpert Winexpert Eclipse Lodi Old Vine Zinfandel

    Did you crush them or leave them whole?
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    Vinmetrica SC 100-A Try this, takes all the guess work out of it.
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    WineXpert Winexpert Eclipse Lodi Old Vine Zinfandel

    OK, all you that have your Zin on, have any of you thought or tried adding a little Black Pepper Corns to you primary of first secondary fermentation? I thought I read in anothe post that you can add a suttle black pepper back ground. Thoughts
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    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Joe, probably out of my league here, but would a lower fermentation temperature and a little yeast nutrient prevented the "blow off" ?
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    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Joe, I thought Zin's were usually in the 14/15% alcohol range. Why did you think the starting SG at 5.5 Gal was too high, because it's a blush? BigSell
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    Thinking outside the box

    Joe, Where did you get the capsule tool, I want one, tired of burning my fingers. BS
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    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Joe, Yes it is a 6 gal WE kit. This kit runs about $75 give or take. Since I have not tried the 5 gal tweek before I thought I would give it a try with this one, along with my other tweeks (as schooled by you).
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    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Thanks, I have never gone the 5 Gal. Route, tried lots of other tweeks. I think I will try 5Gal. on this kit and see what happens. Do,you typically have to adjust the ph?
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    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Has anyone made a 5 Gal. Batch from a WE Mezza Luna Red kit? If so, what did you think?
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    Other Chaptalization Sugars

    Checked the forum and did not find anything about the different types of sugars. I have some leftover Corn Sugar, can it be used for capitalization in wine making? All I see is refined sugar referenced.