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  1. Ted Brumleve

    What are you watching today?

    Season 1 and Season 2 of The Chosen. Up to Episode 6 Season 3.
  2. Ted Brumleve

    Walker Juice

    Walker's shipment arrived today at LHBS; delayed by the heavy snows. 10 gal LaCrescent, 5 gal each Seyval, Vidal, Frontenac Gris, and Vignoles.
  3. Ted Brumleve

    Hobbies other than winemaking?

    Bought an almost 50 year old 28' sailboat that I am rehabbing and learning to sail. Might get back to sprint triathlons.
  4. Ted Brumleve

    FastFerment Conical question

    If I see sediment on the conical sides,, I will drum my fingers about the conical for a few days to help those bits slide down into the bulb. Have stopped adding bentonite when using the conical fermenter.
  5. Ted Brumleve

    What R you doing today?

    Two 6 gallon buckets of freshly crushed and destemmed Chambourcin from 20 miles away, ~110#. Going to add yeast and nutrient this evening. And rob the kitchen of a potato masher.
  6. Ted Brumleve

    Walker Juice

    I don't know my final TA, don't measure. RC212 was my yeast. I don't do MLF. If it's too tart, I'll add a little potassium bicarb until the boss tells me it's ok.
  7. Ted Brumleve

    Your Fav Pinot Noir Kit?

    Good choice for dry red
  8. Ted Brumleve

    Fermentation vessels: Wide and low vs. Tall and thinner

    For commercial equipment, makes heat transfer more straight forward, and agitation. For home use, not a big deal. Both tall and thin, and short and fat, are frowned upon industrially.
  9. Ted Brumleve

    Fermentation vessels: Wide and low vs. Tall and thinner

    I design distillery equipment. Rule of thumb for fermenters is equal diameter to height.
  10. Ted Brumleve

    Wine Conditioner

    Carefully pull those corks. Some of mine shot up to the ceiling. My wife was not amused and it was more mess to clean up. Wrap a dish towel around to ease the corks out.
  11. Ted Brumleve

    Walker Juice

    I have 5 gallons of 2021 Baco Noir just about ready to bottle. My taste testers said there was a bit of fizz that needs to be removed. Their LaCrescent is very good. Trying to tame 5 gallons of Amorella also. LHBS normally makes the trip there in October.
  12. Ted Brumleve

    La Crescent Grapes

    Have made LaCrescent from Walker's two years in a row. It's a favorite. I prefer the QA23 to D47, but both work well.
  13. Ted Brumleve

    Other Recommendation for good white wine kit

    Ditto for the RJS Argentine Trio
  14. Ted Brumleve

    Reusing Screw Top Bottles

    I keep the cap with the bottle and let the sleeve remain. Not all the threads are interchangeable. Garth Brooks sings Ask Me How I Know.
  15. Ted Brumleve

    Post your labels here

    This is my label from a recent batch of Island Mist: Sex On The Beach. Renamed Easy Breezy and featuring our sailboat. I use the Avery software, and print on 8&1/2x11 full sheet at Staples. My wife says 4 per page is best as when I made 6 per page they were too small.
  16. Ted Brumleve

    WineXpert Anyone have experience with Winexpert Twisted Mist Limited Editions

    Normally add 2 lbs sugar to the primary mix just to bump up the ethanol. Make these to give away; makes people smile.
  17. Ted Brumleve

    Other Petite syrah

    Bogle Petit Syrah is a good everyday drinker in my opinion, and widely available.
  18. Ted Brumleve

    D47 for whites/rose'

    Too early to tell yet. Just wanted to move away from EC1118.
  19. Ted Brumleve

    D47 for whites/rose'

    Batch of LaCrescent started Monday with D47. Argentine trio made with D47 in secondary.
  20. Ted Brumleve

    3 gallon kits are hard to find

    Fond of the reds from Williams.