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  1. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols Cru Specialty

    Rocky, having too many carboys insures you won't have too much money.
  2. PeterZ

    Mosti Mondiale Newbie Question - Vinifera Cab

    Tony, welcome. As long as the wine is still fermenting it will continue to produce CO2, so it will be protected. Once you have degassed you will have to top up to avoid O2 contact with the wine. Mosti is the only kit manufacturer to have you rack to glass so early, hence the volcano. others...
  3. PeterZ

    An interesting historical tidbit

    Chicago Cubs pitcher Mel Famey had pitched a full game the day before, so he knew he wouldn't be back on the mound for three days. It was hot in the bullpen, but fortunately there was a beer stand nearby. Mel cooled off by drinking beer. It came down to the ninth, and the score remained...
  4. PeterZ


    My birthday is 5/8, and SWMBO's is 6/19, do this year, and every few, my birthday falls on mother's day and hers falls on father's day.
  5. PeterZ

    Mosti Mondiale Grape Pack

    The only Meglioli with grape pack I have made is the OVZ. The grape pack, labels, and capsules came in a separate package.
  6. PeterZ

    Can you re-cork ?

    If the cork is sticking up as much as 1/4" you should be fine. Run your finger in the neck of a bottle and you will feel a ridge. As long as the cork is past that ridge you are OK.
  7. PeterZ

    Cellar Craft CC Showcase Yakima Valley Riesling

    Avery makes an "easy release" label. I haven't tried them as wine labels - I use George's pregummed label paper.
  8. PeterZ

    Mosti Mondiale Pinot Grigio Mondiale with Raisins

    I made the Masters Edition PG a couple of years ago. I fermented at room temp - about 74F - and it came out superb. A friend who is a PG fiend said it was the best she has ever tasted.
  9. PeterZ

    Degassing advice for first timer

    The CO2 comes out as very tiny bubbles. When you are no longer seeing tiny bubbles coming up the carboy shoulders under vacuum, but start seeing bigger bubbles, then you are done. Since I rack from one carboy to another using a vacuum pump, I get a lot of the degassing done during racking...
  10. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols Leaking Wine Kits

    I would leave it until day 28. You will probably be "dry" and finished with fermentation in a couple more days (I've never had a kit that took more than 2 weeks to go fully dry), but it won't hurt it to sit for the remaining time. If I were making the kit I would rack it to a clean...
  11. PeterZ

    Mosti Mondiale La Bodega Port (Double Batch!)

    I put capsules on the regular 375ml bottles. They fit fine.
  12. PeterZ

    My New SO2 Tester

    Something for my Christmas list!!
  13. PeterZ

    RJ Spagnols Leaking Wine Kits

    I agree. Make the wine. I have made leakers before with excellent results.
  14. PeterZ

    Phase 3

    I would rack off the lees before bottling. It's way too easy to stir them up half way through bottling (or filtering). I never filter or bottle unless the bottom of the carboy has no more than a light dust of sediment on the bottom.
  15. PeterZ

    Happy B-Day PETERZ

    Thanks, all. Love me some Emma Peel.
  16. PeterZ

    Wine Preserver

    As long as you have the carboy under an airlock, degassing will proceed normally. If you put in a solid stopper the wine will not naturally degas.
  17. PeterZ

    WineXpert Stabilizing Wine

    Draw about 1/4 cup of wine out of the carboy, dissolve the K-meta in that, and then stir it in.
  18. PeterZ


    The small sour cream tub goes in the big Folgers plastic coffee can. The holes in the lid of the sour cream tub let the SO2 gas out to sanitize the corks.
  19. PeterZ


    Mine is similar. I have a plastic 8 oz. sour cream container with holes punched in the lid. I put about 4 oz. of sanitizing solution in it, dump the corks on top, and seal it. By the time I get the bottles ready and fill them, the corks are sanitized and ready to go.
  20. PeterZ


    A 6" piece of 2x4 works for me. No adjustments necessary.