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  1. J

    time period

    Hey all, Made a batch of skeeter over a month ago. It's done fermenting and I haven't added any chemicals to it. Been lazy and just haven't made the time. Terrible excuses. Anyways would it be safe to rack and chemicals or does time really have anything to do with anything? It doesn't have...
  2. J

    Five Star/ Star San

    Star san will sanitize in 30 seconds of wet contact time. I thought that was interesting. Did you listen to the podcast where the inventor of StarSan talked about how he made it? I don't have the link but found it on a brew forum. I think the bottle says two minutes. That's because...
  3. J

    Oak Question

    I don't think I would like a sweeter wine that is oaked. Do you know of any vineyards that make an oaked white merlot?
  4. J

    Champagne Kits..

    That's cool. I wouldn't mind trying to make that too. We don't drink much champagne but I imagine we would if I had 30 bottles on the the rack!
  5. J

    Flavors in BEER

    Ha. Nope wasn't looking for the punkin. I don't think I'd even want 5 gallons. I was asking about the 60 minute. I've seen a few extract recipes. Curious as to what you had.
  6. J

    Flavors in BEER

    Haha. Who isn't? I was thinking about making a 60 minute clone. Do you have the perfect recipe?
  7. J

    Flavors in BEER

    punkin? Must be a dog fish fan.
  8. J

    Question on the secondary

    Whoops. Sorry I meant I'm making the Cru Select. I didn't even know that was a line. Must be brand new. There is a New Zealand SB in there too. Thought that was the one I made. Okay. Sounds good on the additives. Thanks. I think I'm going to age this one in a five gallon carboy. I had to...
  9. J

    Question on the secondary

    So I started making the RJS PC New Zealand Sauv Blanc on June 28th. Racked it over to the secondary and let it sit. It's still sitting there. I haven't added any chemicals or racked it again. It should be fine right since there is a layer of CO2 on the top. The wine has already cleared out...
  10. J

    Visited a Ferment on Premises today

    Sounds like a successful business to me.
  11. J

    Forgot to stir :-(

    Sweet. Thanks for the replies. I tried one after 3 days. definitely not carbonated. I think i'll just wait the couple weeks. Good flavor though. :-)
  12. J

    Clearing agents for beer

    I'm sure it's fine. Considering the wort is wort no matter if you drained an all grain batch from your mash or added extract.
  13. J

    Clearing agents for beer

    A couple of my buddies use Irish Moss.They have always had good luck with it.
  14. J

    Forgot to stir :-(

    So I bottled my first beer yesterday. I boiled the corn sugar and threw it in the bottling bucket. Then I gravity racked my beer into it. The I bottled. Definitely forgot to stir it all up. Do you think the simple syrup is so heavy that I didn't really get any mixing?
  15. J

    My first Skeeter Pee

    Well I'm piggy backing on this thread. I finally jugged my skeeter last night. I'm a little disappointed. It tastes pretty good but the smell is a little off putting. A very slight egg smell. So I guess we'll drink this and I will try again. Maybe I'll only add one bottle of lemon juice to...
  16. J

    The Barking Dog "Cellar"

    Nice job on the wine rack. I think that Sweedish rack goes for 250 bucks on brookstone.
  17. J

    RJ Spagnols Aging En Primeur and Cru Select wines

    Hi Larry, Only been doing this awhile but when people talk about the wine kit taste they're talking about the smell. The 10 liter kits I made tasted pretty good but there really isn't much in smell as it has probably been boiled off when they condensed the juice. I wont ever buy a 10L kit again.
  18. J

    Happy Belated Birthday Runningwolf

    HEY! I know I'm not as popular as Dan but my birthday was Saturday! ;-)
  19. J

    I scored- thanks to midwestwine

    That is awesome. I need some people in New York to start getting out of the hobby.
  20. J

    RJ Spagnols Grape skin kits

    Just went to the wine store to pick up a bottle of Amarone. Expensive wine. I hope I like it so I can make that kit.