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  1. wvbrewer

    For those of you concerned with stuck fermentations

    I have seen this product, but I do not have any experiance with it. It comes from lalvin. I am sure some other LHBS carry it, but in case you can't find it here is mine. LD2310 Liquor Quik Accelevin K.C.2 (Ferments Wine Kits In 5 Days) LIQUOR QUIK ACCELEVIN...
  2. wvbrewer

    Wine Press

    Yes, Please post pics it would nice to see it.
  3. wvbrewer

    Primary Leaked!

    I think you will be fine too. The Co2 will protect it. I would get a nice 8 gallon fermenting bucket to use so that won't happen again.
  4. wvbrewer

    Fermentation premature question ? help

    I don'nt see any problems. Those kits are designed to be fool proff as long as you follow the directions. You did ferment a little warmer then what was called for, so it will finnish a little early. Go ahead and follow the remaining instructions for your kit. I am sure it will turn out fine.
  5. wvbrewer

    Store Wine Upside Down

    Cool, Nice set up.
  6. wvbrewer

    Store Wine Upside Down

    Yes, store them upside down or on thier side out of direct sunlight and they will be fine.
  7. wvbrewer

    Best time for secondary?

    1.010 or 1.020 are good times to transfer.
  8. wvbrewer

    Bottled sediment

    Yes you bottled too soon. Next time after the racking let it sit for atleast 30 more days, then rack again and stablize. Then I would wait atleast a week before backsweetening and bottling. This should give a better result. Good luck
  9. wvbrewer

    How long on must?

    What was the SG when you started? I would check the gravity and see how it has progressed. If you are fermenting slowly it will take longer to finnish. If you are fermenting to dry it may take much longer if not rack it on one crushed and dissolved campden tablet per gallon when it is around...
  10. wvbrewer

    Cellar Craft Bubble-lock question - more newbie

    I would use the drilled rubber bung too. Just make sure it inserted tightly and you should have no problems. Do it the way Steve says and it should seal up tight.
  11. wvbrewer

    pear wine topping up question

    You can try using a similar wine to top of with. If you can find a pear wine to use that would be good, but a mild dry white won't hurt either. It should not change that taste very much. I always try to make a little extra so I will have something to top off with later. If thats not a option...
  12. wvbrewer

    Canned Blackberries

    I would use Lalvin K1V-1116 for that it has good qualities for fruit wines. Here is some info on it from their site. The K1V-1116 strain tends to express the freshness of white grape varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc and Seyval. The natural fresh fruit aromas are retained...
  13. wvbrewer

    old carboys vs brand new

    I use a carboy brush and One Step cleaner and sanitizer on mine. You can use bleach, but make sure to rinse very well to avoid any residue.
  14. wvbrewer

    what type of bottles are ok to use?

    Another one for Ez Cap bottles theyare very nice.
  15. wvbrewer

    Other sources of Tannin

    Powdered tannin from you LHBS, but becareful a little goes a long way.
  16. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols Breezin Cran Chianti

    I was wondering about that kit too. I seen it on their website sounds good.
  17. wvbrewer

    Help! Weird Sediment (pics included)

    you will have to rack several times to get it clear. It should be fine in the end.
  18. wvbrewer

    Disaster struck, I'm crestfallen.

    Sorry to hear of your loss. Our sympithies are with you in this difficult time, look to the future and all the great wine you will make.
  19. wvbrewer

    Minijet for racking?

    Wade where are you? Thanks guys I think I will just use my auto syphon to rack when I need to. I have not even tried that minijet out yet, so I don't even know how to use it yet. In a month or so I will 6 gallons to filter, and I better know by then. Thanks Dave
  20. wvbrewer

    Chianti juice bucket help

    I found this on wikipedia. All the Chianti I have tasted has had a definate oak background. Chianti blend and requirementsSince 1996 the blend for Chianti and Chianti Classico has been 75-100% Sangiovese, up to 10% Canaiolo and up to 20% of any other approved red grape variety such as...