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  1. wvbrewer

    first batch first mistake

    Remove some wine and add a similar wine to bring the taste back. Everyone has had to do that atleast once
  2. wvbrewer

    Wine Bottles

    Yeah it was 6 for used and 12 for new the last time we went there. That was Adams County Winery in Gettysburg Pa. Just check around your area. Those that have free tastings will have a lot of bottles.
  3. wvbrewer

    Mosti Mondiale Old Alljuice Master Edition Carmenere Mondial

    Good luck with it. Let us knnow about the fermentation ans how it turns out..
  4. wvbrewer

    Bottling Day

    They look very good. Great job on the labels too...
  5. wvbrewer

    What do you do with all your wine?

    I too give away more than we drink. Since my wife's surgery she can not tolerate alcohol very much. I really do enjoy making wine though. It's all about doing things the best you can and seeing how it turns out. Also it always good to have a supply on hand during hard times to trade for...
  6. wvbrewer

    Time to bottle Mosacato?

    I would would wait a week or to after adding the sorbate to insure that the fermentation will not restart before back sweetening. Most of the kits I have seen has this in the instructions..
  7. wvbrewer

    Dropped Bung In Must!

    I have also done this and freaked out about it too. I retrived it with a pair od sanitized tongs, and my wine turned out fine...
  8. wvbrewer


    I have not had any trrouble either. I just used a cup and a half in a beer and all I did was simmer them for a few minutes and pitched them in. The beer fermented just fine...
  9. wvbrewer

    We are done with our wines, some questions

    I agree with Steve, your alchole proof is deterimened by your starting and final gravity at the end of fermentation. If you have these readings try this these intructions I found. Calculate the amount of alcohol in the wine by using this formula. Percentage of alcohol = ((1.05 x (OG --...
  10. wvbrewer

    Wine for thought

    That sounds good.. It is going to be nice for you to have a larm when the level goes high. We have the at work so that water will not damage any other equipment..
  11. wvbrewer

    What R you doing today?

    Working two nights and thena couple of days off. Time to bottle that beer and start that Chianti kit I got for Christmas...Happy fun Time
  12. wvbrewer

    Vintners Harvest Fruit Base

    DME in wine? I did not know you could use that. Will it be make a better product than sugar?
  13. wvbrewer

    Wine for thought

    I am glad you guys are getting those problems fixed. I know it can be a pain, because a friend of mine went thriugh recently. He spent a lot money on it by having carbon fiber boards installed just to find out there is a underground stream nearby.
  14. wvbrewer

    Merry Christmast and Happy Holidays to all My WMT Friends

    Happy Holidays to everyone!! Enjoy
  15. wvbrewer

    Blackberry to anaerobic

    Yes, Small volume primaries can ferment very quickly. This will happen most times because you are using a amount of yeast intended fro 5 or 6 gallons.
  16. wvbrewer

    Just hate it

    It shows that you are a better person than her sister, because no matter how she acted you still gave her a bottle of you wine. This also helps by keeping you in your wifes good graces.
  17. wvbrewer

    A few tips for beginners

    Good tips, you can go wrong following them. Patience is a good thing to have, too bad my wife has none. LOL
  18. wvbrewer

    Merry Christmas to those who passed

    Amen, We all need to reflect back people we have lost over the years, and remember the good times that everyone had together. We must also look to the future, and make the best we can out of our short lives. Like right now I have to work all of christmas weekend and don't get off till Monday...
  19. wvbrewer

    Still sediment in my bottles? Damn

    I always filter our wine before bottling. Once it has cleared sufficiantlly I filter it in to another carboy using a Minijet filter. I know they a a little pricy, but well worth it. Since I have been using it I have had no sediment in our bottles like we had before.
  20. wvbrewer

    RedNek Wine Glass makes $5 million in sales

    Cool.. I can see them being used all the time over here in WV.