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  1. wvbrewer

    sediment in some bottles

    Yeah, If you are going to bottle from a carboy I would rack right before to get off that sediment fisrt. If you want an even more clear wine then that would be the time to filter, and then bottle. I did my last white that way and it was crsytal clear with no sediment in the bottles.
  2. wvbrewer

    Personal brewery

    Sounds cool, but thats a little expensive.
  3. wvbrewer

    My Cherry Pee is complete!!!

    Looks like a winning recipie.
  4. wvbrewer

    Home Brewers check this out

    That was was awsome, and you know he was right about most of it. When you drink homebrew compared to the Miller Light and PBR that I grew up with there are worlds of diffence. Dave
  5. wvbrewer

    Coated corks?

    It is easier if you have a helper.
  6. wvbrewer

    Coated corks?

    They go in easier after they have been soaked for a few minutes.
  7. wvbrewer

    Clear cider?

    Yes, after your fermentation rack it into a secondary for about a month. It will clear some during that time. I would bottle it with the amount of priming sugar you would use for the same amount of beer. I made it this way using EC-1118 yeast and it made a very good clear carbonated cider.
  8. wvbrewer

    Using a Double lever Corker, HELP.

    I corked 30 bottles in just a few minutes with the hand corker. I had someone handing me the bottles. Save you money for more wine.
  9. wvbrewer

    Using a Double lever Corker, HELP.

    Sanitizing and making sure your corks are soaked in Boiled or hot waterfor atleast 15 minutes will make inserting them in the bottle much easier.
  10. wvbrewer

    Using a Double lever Corker, HELP.

    Bring the corks to a boil in clean water, then turn the heat off and let them soak for awhile with something to hold them down. I did it this way last time and had no problems.
  11. wvbrewer

    Coopers Ginger Beer

    That would be cool, because I have not seen at ny LHBS yet. If not I might see if Kevin can order it for me. This is a neat video on ginger beer Thanks Dave
  12. wvbrewer

    Coopers Ginger Beer

    I agree with Wade, you will be better off using the corn sugar in stead of the drops. I tried using the drops or tablets and they did not dissolve all the way in the bottle. By the way where did you you find the ginger beer kit I have been looking for that one.
  13. wvbrewer


    I was pretty sure that Chianti should have some oak to it from what I have tasted before. I sure it going to be a excellent wine.
  14. wvbrewer

    Wine Rack

    Thats a nice wine rack, I bet it will be beautiful when you put a finish on it.
  15. wvbrewer

    RJ Spagnols Sparkling Orchard Breezen

    I was wondering can you skip the stabilizing stage and turn this kit into a sparkling wine? I just started a Black Cherry Pinot Noir and my wife ask me that question. If anyone has done this or know about it I would appriciate it. Thanks Dave
  16. wvbrewer

    get a rubber cork out of 5 gal carboy?

    That was a awsome clip. I will have to remember that. Thanks
  17. wvbrewer

    Obtaining Used Bottles

    Try your local winery. Usually they will just throw thier tasting bottles away or recycle them. They may give them to you or sell them cheap. Local bars are also a good source if you are friendly with bartender. The price of new bottles is not really that bad and you can choose the one you want.
  18. wvbrewer

    Peach Flavoring Additive

    Will using the 3 gallon recipie give it enough flavor? I am going to start this maybe tomorrow. I have the vinters harvest peach and the reccomended vinters harvest yeast.
  19. wvbrewer

    Score !

    Sweet, Lucky you. Get it while you can get it.
  20. wvbrewer

    New bottle source

    Make sure those corks are soaked before inserting them in the bottles. (With a sulphite solution) Don't need any cork taint.