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  1. IQwine

    Mosti Mondiale Meglioli Barolo

    What a guy ..... that wade. Willing to sacrifice himself for the good of others
  2. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    Hint -- >> look for the Realemon at Sam's they have 2-48 oz bottles for under $5
  3. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    yes I added six but U might try 5 and taste once or twice. see what U like. it stays pretty tart for me even after the sugar. I rack it to a 6 gal carboy so I can hit it with the drill mix-stir. then rack to smaller jugs after I get it stirred well. warning -- I have taken this to...
  4. IQwine

    What I want for my birthday....

    wow... you don't want for much Here's a link =item3a5747886b
  5. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    Good to have you here.. It's great fun. we answer all questions... except the tough ones.:slp
  6. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    Here's a link to the recipe I use... however I always use a vigorous starter not the slurry. but that's just me. and I wait about 30 days for it to clear on it own... hardly ever used a fining agent.
  7. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    North east corner... 30 min south of Decorah and U ??
  8. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    wont hurt a thing to bottle. just be sure to add the Kmeta and sorbate if you think it's done. It will just be less ABV. I also am at 1.07 for Starting Gravity.
  9. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    I try to keep the temp at 78 - 80 degrees for the primary and secondary.. seems to really help.
  10. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    I normal put it in 1/2 gal jugs with the plastic caps as when I serve it.... it goes too fast for 750 wine bottles and corks. I started collecting beer bottles to use when I get enough to make it more friendly to take it somewhere when it's just for me.
  11. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    which Lalvin? think if you warm it up and give it a good stir you will see it go further. my notes have that mine all went to .990-.993 fwiw
  12. IQwine

    SG and skeeter pee

    please provide more info so we can help. did U use a slurry ? what yeast? what was the temp of the must throughout the ferment? how long has it been at 1.000? what was the SG when you moved it to a secondary? :ib
  13. IQwine

    My "PEE" is fermenting!

    I made multiple batches last year. It was a hit with who ever we shared it with. I always used a starter with this. Did not use slurry. First, whip it up a lot the day before pitching the starter in it. and whip it a lot more just before introducing starter. Second, keep it warm. 75-80...
  14. IQwine

    Use a Hydrometer for Flavor?

    Just was wondering if it made sense. an interesting article either way. It shows how critical the SG number is for when you are backsweetening. That's what I got out of it.:b
  15. IQwine

    Buon Vino Automatic Auto Bottle Gravity Filler

    that's what I have been dealing with too. Not seeing thru the bottle for the reds. a pain... this looks like a solution.
  16. IQwine

    Use a Hydrometer for Flavor?

    found this today... Any thoughts on this? :dg :dg
  17. IQwine

    Racking uphill - Wade, it is glorious!!

    hmmm... nice Will have to add the Buon Vine to my list.... and a vacuum pump :tz
  18. IQwine

    Hello from NW Wisconsin

    Hi and welcome. I am about one year ahead of you. Started Jan 2009. 1. Have fun 2. keep a detailed notebook. 3. the hydrometer is your friend. 4. Age the reds longer than you can stand. 5. Everyone makes errors the first few times ... just learn from them and move on.. the wine is very...
  19. IQwine

    WineXpert Chocolate Rasberry Port

    yea... my mind is usually "out of the box" :b
  20. IQwine

    WineXpert Chocolate Rasberry Port

    Do you keep the fining agents for other projects or toss them? If you keep them, how is the best way? thx :?