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  1. Billpizzaiolo

    How's this year's garden

    Hair works until the next big rain storm. We gave up on that. When we had no neighbors we left a radio in the greenhouse playing music all night. That kept many of the critters from going in the garden next to the greenhouse. The part furthest from the radio we shared with the critters. Now...
  2. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    PH at finish was between 3.2 & 3.6 hard to tell the color on the test strip. I used a tablespoon of Chestnut Tannins powder. Photo here of my wine log. The oak chips that came with kit. How do you rotate the photo?
  3. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Joe, I used this recipe but with their Cabernet Sauv product. I think if I were to do it again with the same product I would use less sugar syrup. And leave it in the Oak longer. Bill:ib
  4. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    I bottled the Cab Sauv today. I used your recipe with Currants & extra sugar syrup. Resultant 14%ABV and a slightly sweet wine, clear and reddish in color. It has a nice mouth feel with a slight cherry, and grape taste. I will use it to make Sangria and give it to folks that like a sweeter...
  5. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    I am thinking of adding some oak chips to the CabSauv that I tweaked and feel is too sweet for my taste. How long do you think they should stay in the already racked and cleared 5 gallons?
  6. Billpizzaiolo

    New jersey winemakers talk

    Welcome to the NJ group Nephils. I am in Ocean County, the Atlantic Coastal Plain Terroir. I am sure you will find lots of help on this board. Bill
  7. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    I started my tweaked wine kit back in early February and posted on February 2, 2016.
  8. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    A Month before we left I made your recipe with currants and the Fontana Cab Sauv kit. I just tasted it this morning. It is clear, dark and a slight bit sweet. I haven't tested it for sugar yet. It is ready for the next step (sterile filtering) and bottling. It will be good for guests that...
  9. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    We just got back from China, Korea & Japan. Found two good Rice based wine products.
  10. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Hard to tell the mouthfeel and color now. The ABV is terrific and a bit strong for my usual wines. I just will have to drink less of it for the same effect. Once it clears I will know for sure. I think that it should be a better wine than just using the kit recipe and surely not like the...
  11. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Thank you Joe, Just checked the tweaked Fontana Cab Sauv I Started earlier this month, S.G. was 1.100 using your recipe. The S.G. today is 1.000, PH 3.6, tastes dry and fizzy. ABV is about 13.6%. I am going to rack it again at the end of the month, degas it and put it up to rest for a...
  12. Billpizzaiolo

    What R you doing today?

    Today I am going to teach a very good H.S. friend of 60 years how I make wine and beer. I think our wives will go to the outlets and shop. We are going to have a early dinner of DW's Sauer Bratten, with red cabbage and spattzel. After dinner we were invited to attend Brewers' Apprentice to...
  13. Billpizzaiolo

    What would You do if you were me????

    Everyone loves to drink our wine but when it comes to doing the work at Crush, sadly, they fade out. Too much work cleaning setting up, crushing and taking down. No matter what we feed them. As for chipping in to buy the grape or picking the little bit here on the vine everyone is too busy. I...
  14. Billpizzaiolo

    What would You do if you were me????

    Additionally, I use Argon gas to replace the O2 in any headspace completely. Argon is not reactive nor is it toxic. Keep the CO2 bottle and regulator and use it to make beer.
  15. Billpizzaiolo

    What would You do if you were me????

    That could be a beginning of the never ending collection of toys to make wine with fresh grapes. I vote for the write in vote #4.
  16. Billpizzaiolo

    Info on Cornell Univ Wine & Grape Courses

    Thursday, June 9: The Cornell Epicure: An Exploration of Fine Wine and Gourmet Food. In this day-long exploration of the Finger Lakes' most exceptional wines, participants will increase their appreciation—and indulge their passion—for locally produced wines and the foods that pair well with...
  17. Billpizzaiolo

    take it on the chin saturday

    Relax, I had it done up in Bergenfield. Felt like welder's flash for a day and it was all over. Should 'a done it year's ago. DW and daughter had it done too.
  18. Billpizzaiolo

    What vegetables can wine be made from

    Yup no layers of gases. It is not like making a lasagna, it is more like making a smoothy. You have to tip the scale or proportion in favor of less and less O2. Just want to make it clearer for those that might misunderstand the concept. Thanks
  19. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Four days halfway into the 1st ferment process. PH is now 1.023 and bubbling up a froth. When it goes flat I will rack it into the next vessel, probably on Friday or so. Still a bit sweet to my taste, but at 10%ABV now. Color is great and clear below the froth. Good smell too.
  20. Billpizzaiolo

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    DW bought blood oranges today. Had one after dinner today. Wow! tasted like a good wine. One of my fav fruits. Not sour, not sweet, not tart, great balance. Just say in'.