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  1. vvolf34

    Thinking of making 3 gal JOAM

    I was thinking about giving this a try. At Costco they sell Clover honey in 6 # half gallon jugs for $10.98. Would this work good? Or should I get some local honey, I bought 1.5 lbs for home use awhile back for $3.98. Not sure how much the 5# one was. I plan on doing either orange or...
  2. vvolf34

    Lemon Wine Won't Start

    I have not done a lemon yet, but have read about it, because it is something I won't to do. I have read about two ways of getting your yeast started. Make your must, start your yeast, once it's going for a day, add 1 cup of must, if it's still going strong the next day, add another cup, do this...
  3. vvolf34

    CranApfelwein Wyeast 3068

    Pictures Pitch day: Two Days Later: Had to rig a blow off tube: My 3 Babbies, left to right, CranApfelwein, Black Cherry Shiraz, Apfelwein:
  4. CranApfelwein 12 6 09 3

    CranApfelwein 12 6 09 3

  5. CranApfelwein 12 6 09 5

    CranApfelwein 12 6 09 5

  6. CranApfelwein 12 4 09 4

    CranApfelwein 12 4 09 4

  7. CranApfelwein 12 6 09 1

    CranApfelwein 12 6 09 1

  8. CranApfelwein 12 6 09 2

    CranApfelwein 12 6 09 2
