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  1. vvolf34

    Wade's Chocolate Strawberry Port, attempt

    I racked, stabilized and added the extra ingredients. I ended up with 5 gallons after everything was added. I can tell you one thing; this was the stinkiest wine I have yet to encounter. I also have a lot of floaters in my carboy. I think it might be from the frozen strawberry daiquiri mix...
  2. vvolf34

    Simple Wine Storage Question.

    Larry, Thats about the best advice I have read.
  3. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Myfirend actually said you should try blending it with ice!! I think I am going to go do that right now.
  4. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Well it is offcial, 10 out of 10 people who have drank my pee agree, It's Good!
  5. vvolf34

    Thoughts on my first label attempts

    Thanks for all the replies!! Making labels is almost as much fun as making the wine, but neither are as fun drinking it!
  6. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Yeah it is tart. We bottled tonight and put a couple in the freezer to get em cold. Wow it was pretty good. I will start the new batch with DME in it and give a taste comparison.
  7. vvolf34

    Thoughts on my first label attempts

    Bailey, Thank you. I know you didn't ask me but I use Photoshop Elements 7 and avery labels 3 1/3 x 4. I use the avery template for word to print them out.
  8. vvolf34

    There is a haze in the bottom of my blush

    sounds like it was not totally clear before bottling it and sediment is still dropping.
  9. vvolf34

    Thoughts on my first label attempts

    Thanks!! ffemt, it does look like it!! Nice Idea on watermarking it! Maybe one day I'll take my own pictures, until then I'll plagerize!!!!
  10. vvolf34

    Thoughts on my first label attempts

    I finally made my own labels and thought I would ask for your tips, hints tricks, comments, constructive criticism, etc! Apfelwein Hard Cider Hard Lemonade
  11. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    removed by author.
  12. Hard Apple Cider Label

    Hard Apple Cider Label



  14. Hard Lemonade Label

    Hard Lemonade Label

  15. vvolf34

    RJ Spagnols Degassing Question

    I degass for how long they say then test it. I hook a little vacuum hand pump to the bung and airlock. Pump it several times and see if any bubbles come to the surface. If they do I keep stirring, if none come, it is almost safe to say it is degassed. Something like this, hooks up to an...
  16. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Ok so mine is finished, have not bottled it yet, but will get to it soon. I took a thief out to sample it with my dad. Well it's pretty damn good!
  17. vvolf34

    RJ Spagnols Cellar Classic Vidal Ice Wine

    I am so jealous!! .20 for a bottle!! Wow. I would like to know how this kit goes to as I did the Wine Expert Ice Wine kit. I am thinking about getting the RJS as they seem to have better juice! I have not tried the W/E kit it is still bulk aging. Should start the RJS one soon for a taste comparison.
  18. vvolf34

    Some really tart wine

    I bulk age in glass carboys. I have the Wine Expert kit for Ice wine, but wish I would have gotten the RJS kit instead. My Piesporter is RJS and I can tell a difference. I will be starting a RJS Reisling Auslese tonight. This pic is a little old, I have racked the Piesporter off the...
  19. vvolf34

    Some really tart wine

    I do not have a lot of experience, but my first kit of Black Cherry Shiraz breeze tasted like crap in the secondary, about 4 weeks later of bulk aging, wow what a difference! My Piesporter at last racking didn't taste very good when I racked for bulk aging. I hope in 2 more months it will...
  20. vvolf34

    Some really tart wine

    How old is your wine? That tart taste could just it being young. I have a Piesporter kit that needs to age for 4 months minimum. 6 months to 1 year will be better. I am not even going to touch it until the 4 month point.