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  1. vvolf34

    What's the secret to siphoning?

    Must be nice to have deep pockets for all the cool toys :D J/K I an sure you can get a pump pretty cheap. I like my auto siphon just fine though.
  2. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Glad everything is going good. I would have to say mine is done fermenting and starting to clear. It is looking real nice now!! Let me know how the Zin comes out, was thinking about doing one of those!
  3. vvolf34

    Please analyze my process/recipe for my 1st batch.

    Degassing is for later after fermentation and after you have stabilized your wine. No since in trying to degass it now. I have never stirred a wine yet except for the Skeeter pee, because it was low nutrient and high acid must and the recipe said to stir it daily to add oxygen. Other than that...
  4. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    If you are talking about the stuff in the back corner? It is cran-apple, used Wyest 3068, started it on 11-27-09 and well it is clearing very nicely and has a nice nice flavor to it already. This one I have a feeling will be gooooodddddd :r 1 gallon of cranberry 5 gallons of apple juice...
  5. vvolf34

    Quick Wine?

    Yep, on the Mist/Breeze etc kits kits you can just add some sugar to up the SG and get a higher ABV. I think this might increase the time it will take to drink it though!!
  6. vvolf34

    Using bentonite to clear

    I agree with rawlus. Kits have you use bentonite in the begining of the process, it is the first ingrediant most of the time, then after you stabilize and degass you use a different fining agent. It should settle out over time, but you can use super-kleer or isinglass to clear it faster at this...
  7. vvolf34

    Quick Wine?

    Whites will be drinkable faster than most reds. I am going to give you a website and they have a recommended aging period. If you want something fast, a mist or breeze kit takes about 2 months. I just did a Mosti Mondaile Black Cherry Shiraz, everyone that tried it likes it, but some more...
  8. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Well it seems like my Skeeter Pee is starting to slow down. On Jan 23, 2010 I racked it to secondary, I didn't bother to take an SG. I know, I know... bad on my part. Figure I would throw a pic up, for others to see.
  9. IMG 0101 web

    IMG 0101 web

  10. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    It is far better to Pee on then to be Pee'd on! Enjoy your juice, glad to know it is good.
  11. vvolf34

    When to siphen

    You honestly got me on that! I don't worry about the temperature much. Just take a reading. At least I will have a general idea of what the ABV will be.
  12. vvolf34

    When to siphen

    I would say yes, that os what you want to do. I have not done that kit, but most of my kits have had me rack at 1.020 or 1.010 to finish fermenting in the carboy. But if that is what your directions say, stick with it!
  13. vvolf34

    Please analyze my process/recipe for my 1st batch.

    Sounds good, but I can tell you from making Skeeter Pee, after fermentation starts, it is very hard to stop. I added 2 bottles of lemon juice, which had 2 types of preservatives in it, not to mention high acid from the lemon juice itself. My must didn't even hiccup. I think at this point you...
  14. vvolf34

    Identify the End of Primary Fermentation

    I don't know about those flavors as I have licked neither, but I have tasted all of my batches at every point and straight from the fermentation bucket they can be horrible. I was really worried about my Black Cherry Shiraz because it was nasty, but the finished product was great! The wine will...
  15. vvolf34

    Please analyze my process/recipe for my 1st batch.

    SOunds like everything is going good. Are you making a 5 gal batch? If so I think it was recommended you use 3 cans per gallon else it might be a little thin. In your log you used 12 cans. If it were me, I would follows the others advise and get 3 more cans in there. Tablets I am sorry can...
  16. vvolf34

    Please analyze my process/recipe for my 1st batch.

    Something is jumping out at me. You say your tablets give 150 ppm per gallon? My tablets give 30 ppm per gallon. I read where somone else had these high octane campden tablets and just about ruined his batch, by adding to much K-meta. Something you might want to look into more. I think the...
  17. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    Sounds excellent congrats!!! :try
  18. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    That is true, but it will be close enough for a home brew!!
  19. vvolf34

    Skeeter Pee Revisited

    EC 1118 is pretty hardy. I just like the reverse method, because you make one huge starter before adding the lemon juice, which all of the ones I found had preservatives. Once yeast get going in good conditions nothing will stop them, except cold crash. After 2 days, I added two bottles of lemon...
  20. vvolf34

    Please analyze my process/recipe for my 1st batch. video on cleaning and sanatizing!