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  1. vvolf34

    Making your own CO2 to add to carboy...

    Not sure if this is the same but I read about someone using dry ice to create a CO2 barrier?
  2. vvolf34

    CranApfelwein Wyeast 3068

    Thanks for the information Wade!! It was kind of an emegency rig, that is my siphon tube that came with my kit. I came home to it bubbling out of the airlock, so had to do something fast. It has since mellowed out a bit, still what I would call beer head on top though. At least it has sunk...
  3. vvolf34

    CranApfelwein Wyeast 3068

    Ok so I think it has stopped bubbling through the tube. My question now would be, what about all the gunk that built up on the glass? Try to clean it off? Leave it be? Rack it when it is below 1.020 so it can finish in a cleaner enviroment?
  4. vvolf34

    Too dry

    I am not a Foodie, I am a Barney Fife, break it down. :D
  5. vvolf34

    Wade - questions on your port receipe

    I wouldn't use sugar free, ICK! I would stabilize and add the real sugar sweetened syrup. They sell both types. I used to use Torani for my coffee until I tried Davinci, it actually taste like Blueberries. I mix White chocolate and blueberry in my coffee, delicious! I have not tried the...
  6. vvolf34

    Too dry

    Not trying to hi-jack your thread, but I am curious, do you add any water to the fruit before simmering? Or just toss the fruit in and simmer it down to what?
  7. vvolf34

    hand sanitizing

    I am using Star San sanitizer and I just make sure my hands get a dip in the solution.
  8. vvolf34

    a few more questions.

    I have read about jelly wine and it did come out very good. I have not made any, but you need to use real jelly or homemade one. A guy by the name of Summsolstice made one, here is his recipe: Country Jelly Wine 1 gallon 3# lbs jelly or jam (I used a combination of fresh home made...
  9. vvolf34

    Passion Juice

    Sounds good, let us know how it turns out!!
  10. vvolf34

    Passion Juice

    I don't know about a recipe, but passion juice is from a fruit, the passion fruit. My wife loves drinking the passion juice. They sell it here in a store by the half gallon. Keep in mind I am new and mainly book smart, so take this with a grain of salt. I would: check and see if it has...
  11. vvolf34

    12 days of winemaking Christmas

    Hey nice one. I like it a lot, very creative thinking.
  12. vvolf34

    Thinking of making 3 gal JOAM

    Wade, Duh hello, I just looked at the recipes and there is your Blueberry Melomel. My question is, do I stick with the Red Star or try the Wyest Sweet Mead?
  13. vvolf34

    Thinking of making 3 gal JOAM

    Malkore, Thank you. So I think I will skip the JOAM and make a real mead then. I will go with blueberry, honey, should I use the Costco Clover Honey or try my local honey? At my LHBS they have 12 lbs of wildflower honey for about $40.00... I don't know much about mead, but if you just do a...
  14. vvolf34

    Thinking of making 3 gal JOAM

    Wade, You got me a little confused now. If I make a blueberry one, the one you said was awsome. Do I use bread yeast or wine yeast? I was thinking of the bread yeast, but now I am a little confused from your statement. You said wine yeast was not good. You liked the one with breast yeast but...
  15. vvolf34

    You know you're a winemaker when....

    When your Christmas list includes 2-5 gal, 3-3 gal carboys, set of metal measuring spoons from 1/8 tsp to 1 tbl.
  16. vvolf34


    Ok so I ordered my wife the Okanangan Peach Ice Wine style. I need some help as I don't know much about the different Piesporter kits, any recommendation on these: I don't know which manufacture kit's make a better wine... Thanks for...
  17. vvolf34

    Thinking of making 3 gal JOAM

    So Wade you didn't go with the bread yeast that Joe said to use for the original JOAM?
  18. vvolf34

    Thinking of making 3 gal JOAM

    Ok here is my thought, please correct me if I am wrong. Since I will be adding either orange or blueberry, the clover honey from Costco might not be bad, because the additions would cover the honey flavor. Doing a straight Honey mead, nothing else added, I would use the local honey so the...
  19. vvolf34

    Thinking of making 3 gal JOAM

    I was thinking about going with the local honey, it has a really nice taste to it. Should I do campden and sorbate before pitching the yeast? Plus it is 5# jars which would make it easier to measure for 3 gal... 3 jars. Which is better orange or blueberry? I have never tried a mead, so...
  20. vvolf34

    You know you're a winemaker when....

    You watch a NatGeo show about the footprint you make on Earth in a lifetime and they show 942 bottles of wine and you wish you could collect them up or wonder what they did with all those bottles.