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  1. U

    Starting 3 gallon of elderberry port

    I would back sweeten later. An f- pak with eldo's may take it over the top.Your test should be at least 8 months out.Good luck waiting,but once you do you will..............Dig -it ..Upper
  2. U


    I did a 3.5 per gallon.Heaven at 10 months.Upper
  3. U

    The first forum relationship

    Man nothin like a quick spell check.The constant Chick check would wear on me.Hang up there opposed to hanging down...........Upper
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    The first forum relationship

    Short story Mud,Sid has a first racking that he is having a hard time getting delivery on.But just like letting wine age he must be patient.Upper
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    burning balls

    Heck, I thought this thread was talking about Sid,well I guess it is going that way........Upper
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    Homemade Fruit Press Plans?

    Great press Wade,Got to get me a shop fox......Upper
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    Low Alcohol wines

    Did you say Elderberry?........Upper
  8. U

    Low Alcohol wines

    WE are still doing the math.The answer is Boarderline.Where are you from?....Upper
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    Pickled Fish

    So is the pickled fish ready to eat? Or does it haved to be cooked ?.............Upper
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    lemonade wine question

    Hey Keystone,Upper here.I had a starter in some fresh squeeze lemon PEE.Had me scared but after 2 days it looks kind of like yours.Smells like lemon,tastes like chicken.........I love the smell........Upper:sm
  11. U

    Grape Cluster Removal Tool

    I think Wade is on to something,when pulling a limb way down you could position the cutter as to not cut till you have ahold of another part of the limb.Once you get ahold of an additional cluster,cut the first cluster and knife in same hand.I can dig that.....Upper
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    More Eldo

    Cleaned the freezer and de-stemed 20 lbs of the Elderberry.This is my 3rd 5 gallon batch,and the first Eldo batch with a hydrometer.Also used Acid blend instead of juice from citrus,5 TSPS,pectic,and Lalvin118.Took right off.Going to use the tailings in some Skeeter Pee or an Orange wine.Man I...
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    Cherish Each Day

    If that is your closet,you better double-up on the Mustard.Just saying.............Upper
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    Cherish Each Day

    Sorry for your loss Troy,all I can say is I hope my name is not on one of your remaining fingers....Upper
  15. U

    Skeeter Pee ????

    No-No Sid the Eldo wine will be done with the "skins" before I do the pee deal. Now that I think of it I have Jam must in the freezer from the Eldo,I better Digit out Upper
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    Skeeter Pee ????

    I have about 20 lbs of the Elderberry in the freezer.How about the skins in the strainer bag?Would not be pure pee but pee non the lees......Dig it..Upper
  17. U

    Mild wine odor in empty primary okay?

    I got nothing Sid.............Upper
  18. U

    alcohol free

    Naxxy is alright,I sent him some stuff through the mail.He is sending a check with a little extra for my time.I would say not a bad deal!....Upper
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    What is this?

    I would have been wrong with my guess on the first pic,dang................Upper
  20. U

    Invert Sugar Syrup

    Rifleman,I too did a 6 gallon juice of T seedless.I have 4 gallons left,and sweetened some the other night,pretty good.Now mind you this is my Jackle batch and only just over 2 months old....Upper