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  1. U

    Reducing head space

    Yea,just what this thread needs.Upper
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    Yea I had one go at 90 degres.So I put 90 poof on the labels.Hellow is this thing on? Upper
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    Too dry

    Take an ounce of wine and add the syrup by the drop.How many drops did it take to get it to your liking?Now add that many drops times how many ounces are in the gallon jug minus 10 percent as it will be sweeter with time.Hope you understand the Verbege or verbage?........ Upper
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    ageablility. how long can wine keep?

    Tannins Care to elaborate on the Tannin Go-Go? Upper
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    Too dry

    To Reduce 'Verb',creates a Reduction' Noun'..Dig-it....Upper
  6. U

    Too dry

    The key word here would be "Reduce".Come on you Foodies...................Upper
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    Too dry

    I think he means you should have that much extra in the beggining (reserve). Upper
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    Primary fermentation question..

    Give us the Go-Go on the cheese deal.Upper
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    Virgin Vintner's Post

    Virgin,I only know what I learned on this forum,and some on Jack Kellers blog.That being said,I think you put the kibash on your wine by adding the sulfited Merlo.You need to get a starter going from the MB lees or something other than the stuck.Once you do this bring the SG up in the stuck to...
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    Speedy Bentonite

    Bill is correct,I have used tons in the drilling business.Hydration is key..........Upper
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    Update Well I scraped the skins (if you will) into a 2 gallon pail,and filled the main 6 gallon pail to about 5 gallons with simple syrup.I added 1/4 teasp. of both cinimmon and cloves to the 2 gallon pail.This pail will get fed til it quits.And when it is done I am going to make...
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    Virgin Vintner's Post

    V.V., we are getting real close to the end of my knowlege string,but the sulfites in your top off may inhibit fermintation.More knowlege forthcoming for sure...................Upper
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    Virgin Vintner's Post

    Again V.V. where did the top off wine come from,did it have sulfite added? Upper
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    too many campden tablets??

    Did they come with a pipe? Dig-it.......Upper
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    Virgin Vintner's Post

    Yes, campden should go in 24 hours before yeast. Were your 2 cups of wine from a bottle or your must............Upper
  16. U

    Do not know what happened.

    I know this thread is making me hungry.:D...........Upper
  17. U

    Do not know what happened.

    I think the problem is in the bread yeast.I am not sure but the alch. tollerence in bread yeast may be low? Wade? Tom?...Upper?
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    Siphoning Question

    Hey Hork,is Schmeg worse tham Schmigma?.Or which comes first? Bury-it......Upper
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    Dream Regarding this Forum Last Night

    Did you eat green eggs and ham before you went to bed? Upper
  20. U

    Do not know what happened.

    Pam, my eldo went real slow at the end.Give it some time,check the SG every other day,then every 4 days.What was your starting SG and which yeast?..Upper