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  1. phaz3

    Mint and Lime wine

    Hey guys, I have just started my first second batch this time I decided on a mint and lime wine. I may need to add more sugar later I am not to sure if I wanted a dry or sweet mint but hey I can always make another batch :dg
  2. phaz3

    1st JAOM Mead (1st anything)

    Hey guys, Cheers for the replies, @Luc - The Level moves up and down in the neck of the bottle so at the moment I am just keeping and eye on it. @summer - I am just waiting on shiraz grapes to ripen and be picked (Swan Valley Western Australia) and I will be making my first 23 ltr batch of...
  3. phaz3

    1st JAOM Mead (1st anything)

    Ok so it has not bubbled over yet and its looking good I cannont wait to taste it ;)
  4. phaz3

    1st JAOM Mead (1st anything)

    So if it does blow through do I need to clean the airlock and put it back ??
  5. phaz3

    1st JAOM Mead (1st anything)

    I am Currently making JAOM. So far I am on to day 3 of the ferment of 5 litres it getting quite close to the bung and airlock heres hoping it does not blast through ;) I'll put more photos up later. ps.. not many australians in...