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  1. WaWa

    What Next?

    Thanks Dan My Parsnip and Pineapple was interesting as was the Potato and Onion. Ya gotta try these things don't ya!? That's what it's all about I guess
  2. WaWa

    What Next?

    Well, I've been away from here for a while and boy have I missed a fair bit by the looks!!! Anyhoo, I've recently bottled a divine grapefruit andd tangelo wine (thanks Allie for the inspiration for that one!), about to finish another 30 bottles of kiwifruit and don't know what to try next...
  3. WaWa

    Yeast not working?

    Hi I'm a newbee too and I found the same when I started. I'm used to the way bread yeast works so fast and agressively. Now I always make a yeast starter a day out to be sure. If you listen closely to the bucket when you lift the lid you should hear it fizzing, that's how I reassure myself all...
  4. WaWa

    Chocolate Strawberry Port

    sorry for my ignorance, but does anyone know why this three gallon recipe have to be racked into a 6 gal carboy?
  5. WaWa

    Ginger wine

    Thanks Allie, i think i'll make a citrus wine and blend with the ginger. I think that would be nice....
  6. WaWa

    Ginger wine

    hi not a mis-type, the sg started at 1.140 ( too high i know that now, but I was a rookie and following a very old recipe) anyway, started in september and chugged away fine until november when all came to a grinding halt. My guess is too much sugar for the yeast. I used Ec-1118. Here's the...
  7. WaWa

    Ginger wine

    my ginger wine appears to have finished at 1.100. Been this way for a month. It has great flavour but is too sweet. If I started a dry wine would I add the ginger wine to the must (I havent added sorbbate or campden yet) of the new wine or wait till the new wine is finished and blend the two?
  8. WaWa


    YESSSSSSS! splash racked twice and left to evaporate out about an hour. Nearly a week later and the smell is gone I say, gone! Thanks for the help. Until next time.......
  9. WaWa


    Thanks, I'll do that now. Actually today the smell is not as bad. Maybe all is not lost
  10. WaWa


    Hi all, me again just finishing my second batch of apple wine and it smells of rotten eggs. I know there are already threads on this but I have added campden and sorbate so would it be ok to splash rack or just leave it and pray???
  11. WaWa

    choc raspberry kit help needed

    Wade I noticed your recipe for 3 gal strawberry choc port is racked into a 6 gal carboy. Wouldnt this create the same situation we have here?
  12. WaWa

    choc raspberry kit help needed

    Hi all! I've just started a kit choc raspberry port. The ol' guy at the home brew shop said that although it only makes 11 litres it will be ok in a 23 litre secondary. I'm worried about this. I only have the 23 litre or several 5 litres to split it into. What's the best way to go. He said the...
  13. WaWa

    Finings before sorbate by mistake

    Hey Boozey I bet you're looking forward to your trip. Don't forget to go visit my rellies while you're there. My Aunt Ivy said she'll make some of her cornish pasties for you to try. sneak some into your case fro me!!! oooh arrr. ask her about their homebrew, i seem to remember Mum telling me...
  14. WaWa

    14yr old orange wine!!!!!

    Hi Wade, I'm not sure but I do know that he only re-discovered it about 6 months ago. There was fluid in it when I saw it on Saturday. I'll ask next time I see him. Cheers
  15. WaWa

    Going TDY in two months

    You can drop it off at my place!!!
  16. WaWa

    14yr old orange wine!!!!!

    went out to a BBQ last night and started talking about winemaking (as ya do) the host's father jumped up and hurried inside, returning with a round of shot glasses filled with what looked like golden sherry. It was an orange wine that he had made in 1995 and he didn't like it so he threw it into...
  17. WaWa

    Grape juice wine

    That's a great idea, my folks have a tree full of them and no one wants them......Thanks Allie
  18. WaWa

    Grape juice wine

    Yip My 23 litres of Kiwifruit wine is the best wine I've made yet ( although at a recent blind tasting that Boozehag and I forced on a few of our friends my apple was rated better, but that's because it's gone fizzy in the bottle and tastes like Champers!!!) It's even better coz the fruit was...
  19. WaWa


    I just bottled a persimmon wine, The fruit was very ripe and so very sweet. I mixed with pears. My own concoction. It is a dessert type wine I feel. I'm gonna age for a while. Not without potential!!!
  20. WaWa


    I experimented with 2 unusual recipes that I found in an old book. Parsnip & Pineapple with smells divine and tastes like burnt toffee. The other one is Potato & Onion which smells like poo and tastes fab! Ahh well, I had to try these ones. They've only just finished fermenting so maybe...