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  1. moose-1110

    SURVEY:Any interest in possible new winemaking devices?

    I like the idea of something that would take up space in a carboy. I hate using marbles. But I am a bigger cheap skate than you and would not pay more than $10 for something like this:D
  2. moose-1110

    5 gallon Water Bottles

    I have a 3 gallon water bottle that I am using for the first time:confused:, so I will find out in another 6 months if it works. The owner of the store I bought it from said he has sold many of these without any problems. I did have to buy a different bung from him so it would fit (He called...
  3. moose-1110

    Strawberry wine

    I have a strawberry/ruhbarb in the carboy(4L) now. I hope it turns out looking as good as yours;) After the first racking it tasted very good:D
  4. moose-1110

    Bottle size (750ml vs 1.5l)

    I live in upstate NY also:cool: , so if you need some 1.5 litre bottles let me know. I did use them on my first couple of batches but rarely use them now. I prefer the 750ml bottles.
  5. moose-1110

    Bottle Cleaning

    I use used bottles, so when I first get them I soak them in water and B. Brite Cleaner & Sterilizer solution. I usually let them soak for a couple of hours so it is easier to get the old labels off. I then put them in old wine boxes, up side down (keeps the spiders out:eek: ) when I am ready...
  6. moose-1110

    NY food & wine festival

    Sorry I wasn't able to reply to your post sooner, but I was out of town. The web site for that is it is an annual event. I did go there this year for the first time and it was great. We got there at noon and did not leave until 5:00pm(for $5 we tried quite...
  7. moose-1110

    NY food & wine festival

    Is anyone going to "the great New York State Food & Wine Festival" June 20-22 in Clayton, NY. If you are going have you been there before? This will be my first time
  8. moose-1110

    Lalvin 71B-1122 for an apple wine.

    I am new to wine making but I would just suggest trying both yeast and see what you like. As I keep seeing on these boards experiment is the best way to fine a wine that you like.
  9. moose-1110

    Dandelion wine

    Dandelions! we still have a foot of snow on the ground in upstate NY. Maybe next month I might be able to see green grass again!! But I do plan on trying to make a small batch of dandelion wine this year. I am new to this so I am trying small batches (4L) to see if it is something I like. So...