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    Cellar Craft Mystic

    It is that blend...more than one retailer is advertising the spec sheet: Additional Information Wine Style Cabernet blend, Merlot blend, Shiraz blend, Zinfandel blend Country California Brand Cellar Craft Showcase Wine Type Table Wine Class World Class Premium Price Range $$$$$ Color Red...
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    Cellar Craft Mystic

    Cab...Merlot...Syrah...Zin... Same blend as the new Winexpert has to that they are both under Global Vintners that these two aren't the same kit??
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    BTW...bottled the Stout last Wednesday...49 Grolsch's (500ml bottles) and a half mug left over to chill and taste :) My wife thought it tasted like cold coffee'ish with a hint of bitterness on the end...perfect...she didn't like it though LOL!!! Guinness here we come!!!! Oh...and the...
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    WineXpert Merlot HoHo!

    Oh WOW!! Yumm!! Thanks :D
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    WineXpert Merlot HoHo!

    Any wine you can drink all night is a good wine LOL!!!
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    WineXpert Merlot HoHo!

    Ray...share please :D BTW...the Stout look fantastic!!! Will be bottling later this week!!! Super pumped!! Next I want to try making alcohol with essence :) Oh...and's the Enigma coming along??
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    WineXpert Merlot HoHo!

    Might need some strong spice to keep warm up here this winter LOL!!! Wonder if I should add half to my primary as well?? Suggestions?? What would it accomplish?? I started it yesterday...too late to add?? It is a Mist kit so no doubt it'll be a cooler wine...I've only ever done just a...
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    WineXpert Merlot HoHo!

    JUST got mine today...yesh...but started!! Lori?? How's yours coming along??
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    Frickin' YUMMY!!!!! I sucked the last out of the hose...grabbed a good taste and it was amazing!! As long as it bottles out the same way...I'll be truly happy LOL!!! :D
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    Done!! Smells great...almost has a hint of molasses...I think it's gonna be yummy!!!
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    Well well...apparently my oldest actually listens to me...he showed up yesterday carrying a box of Toucan Stout for my birthday LOL!!! Running to go get the yeast this morning...gonna go with the London ESB 1968 methinks!! I think that is what PW suggests...
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    Paddock Wood kits?? your posts...thanks!! Funny though how your hubby didn't have any luck...this summer I did 35 dozen beer (7 kits)...all Barons kits...Lager...Pilsner...Cerveza...all carbonated wonderfully...all by instructions given...yeast provided...all bottled in Grolsch bottles...2 weeks of...
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    Can you recipe up one from scratch?? I'm bouncing ideas off of you cause I have a few friends that are in the same would be nice to have something for them :) Here are a few I've found:
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    Gluten free beer!! There are more and more kits showing up out there!!
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    Did you develop an allergy??
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    Paddock Wood kits?? much are they there?? Which kit is your hubby looking at doing?? I'm thinking the Toucan Stout for myself!!
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    ROFL!! They are in Saskatoon here so I'm a few minutes away!! Stopped in the other day...full 23L wort in the bag...$45.00!! Just add yeast and bottle in two weeks... In comparison to Barons...the steps are less...and the wort is more... I've been making Barons for the past year...
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    Paddock Wood kits??

    Greetings!! So...anyone have any comments on the Paddock Wood kits here in Saskatchewan??
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    Other 2015 Limited Releases - What's Going in Your Fermenter?

    That sounds very intriguing!!
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    WineXpert New...Enigma!!??

    The Diablo did but it tasted so good I added it all LOL :)