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  1. P

    Wine made from milk

    Do you think you could stabilize and backsweeten so that you retain the slightly sweet blueberry flavor? Or could you make the milk wine with added sugar and not break down the lactose and retain some sweetness from that? If you wanted to break down the lactose to fermentable sugars could...
  2. P

    chocolate coffee wine with milk sugar

    How did the lactose addition help the flavor?
  3. P

    Natural Fermentation and Lactic Acid Bacteria

    What do you mean by a lacto fermentation of peaches? How do you do it? Mash peaches and add yogurt? Or add peaches to large amounts of yogurt whey?
  4. P

    Wine made from milk

    Have you ever made a whey wine with a fruit addition? I would like to try to make blaand, but add some berries to create a kind of berry cream wine flavor.
  5. P

    Should I ignore sugar content on juice labels and just take a hydrometer reading?

    If you have a very thick must due to fruit pulp, how do you take that into account when you use the hydrometer
  6. P

    Adding strawberry puree and chocolate syrup after fermentation

    The standard amount of K sorbate to add for stabilization is 0.5 tsp per gallon. If that is what you added from your packet, then it should be ok. However, I have always been told you also need to add K Metabisulfite or "Campden" for stabilization to occur.
  7. P

    Daughter’s homemade cookies

    I can understand that.
  8. P

    Daughter’s homemade cookies

    So fun, hope they tasted as good as they looked.
  9. P

    Mango grapevwine

    what was your ratio of pineapple juice to other fruit juice?
  10. P

    1st mead, what to do about headspace?

    how would you recommend topping off. Could I add a mixture of honey/water and if so what proportions and do I need to do anything to sterilize the honey before addition.
  11. P

    1st mead, what to do about headspace?

    Started my 1st mead 2/3/23 with an OG of 1.110 using 3 lb local Idaho honey. Racked to secondary yesterday FG 1.010 because I am going out of town and didn't want to leave it in a bucket since I was beginning to see yeast rafts and was worried a film yeast might take over. I have this much...
  12. P

    In a mess again!

    Thanks. Most of the time when I read posts talking about 1118, they talk about it taking the flavor from your fruit wine. Glad to know that it won't undo anything already there.
  13. P

    In a mess again!

    If you use EC1118 to restart your fermentation, do you still have the problem of it stripping the flavor left?