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  1. Gussman

    Duos and combinations of Similar Fruits

    Oak Chips Has any one added the two packages of fine Oak Chips that come with the Winexport Shiraz Kit? If so, how did you remove that "Sawdust" powder from the must?
  2. Gussman

    Duos and combinations of Similar Fruits

    Sweet Cherries I have both Tart Cherries from my trees and now 200 pounds of sweet cherries. I'm blending my cherries with concord, plum, blueberries, and just plain cherries. Yummoliscious. I'm also adding oak chips that I bought from Kraus, and I like the difference Oak makes. Oh, did I...
  3. Gussman

    Duos and combinations of Similar Fruits

    Blended Duos Today is Thanksgiving (Happy Thanksgiving Everyone) and I'm bottling my Tart Cherry/Blackberry wine I call KerriLiscious after my neighbor Kerri who help grow and pick the cherries and berries. Let me Brag!!! This wine is out-of-this-world Good. Can't wait until next year when I...
  4. Gussman

    Dehydrated Cranberries

    recipes Thank You. I refer to Jack Keller's Recipes frequently. I was hoping some other Vinters might have made some wine with the DC's. I have a couple of my own recipes, but was looking to "Add Lib" a little. Thank You for responding to my request.
  5. Gussman

    Back sweeten before or after wine is clear?

    Agree with 4e 4e is right on in my experience. Great advice with good results.
  6. Gussman

    Dehydrated Cranberries

    I'm about to inherit a lot of dehydrated cranberries and have hopes of making some Christmas Wine. They are sealed and in the original packing bags. I'm not sure if there is any oil or if any oil was used in the packaging of the Cranberries. I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts...
  7. Gussman

    Duos and combinations of Similar Fruits

    Cranberries Has anyone made wine from Dried Cranberries? I'm being offered a lot of dried cranberries from a friend and was hooping to make a nice Christmas Wine out of them Any thoughts? Any Recipes? Thank You.
  8. Gussman

    Duos and combinations of Similar Fruits

    On my List Thanks Julie, I'm making a list for wines to make and I like your suggestion of Concord and Elderberry. I have fresh grapes and elderberries so I 'm good to go.
  9. Gussman

    Duos and combinations of Similar Fruits

    Abundance of Cherries Today I learned that I have inherited over 150 pounds of Cherries. Wow! I'm going to make Cherry Wine, but was wondering IF anyone has some thoughts on good "Blends" for the Cherries? I currently have 6 gallons of Cherry (from my own tree) and Blackberry ( from neighbors...
  10. Gussman

    Sweetening my Wine

    My kit wines are coming out fantastic. My wife went on a Carnival Cruise to the Bahamas and took some of my wine. The cruise-line normally charges an uncorking fee, but when the maitre-d, tasted the wine, he waived the uncorking fee and ask for more. LOL... Thanks to everyone who submitted a...
  11. Gussman

    Sweetening my Wine

    Thanks Joe's Wine. 12% ABV would be great. My wife loves the low ABV in the kits, but I want wine. I guess to each his own.
  12. Gussman

    Sweetening my Wine

    Thanks Willie. 11% would be fantastic ABV.
  13. Gussman

    Sweetening my Wine

    made the Kit I started the Kit as original because I need the wine ASAP. I'm buying another kit or two today and will experiment with the Sugar for ABV on both of these. I'm sure I can get real close to perfect by adding small amounts of sugar until I reach the SG that I'm looking for...
  14. Gussman

    Sweetening my Wine

    Omg Thanks. I was afraid of that. Hmmm, I'll just stick with my own recipes and leave well-enough alone.
  15. Gussman

    Sweetening my Wine

    More ABV to a Kit I'm adding 4 lbs of sugar to an Island Mist Kit I just bought. Has anyone added more than 4lbs of sugar prior to fermentation to a Kit. What are my limitations as to how much sugar I can Add? Just trying to increase the alcohol by volume to 10 or 12 ABV. Thanks All.
  16. Gussman

    Hello form Australia

    Hello Welcome to the WMT Pedro, You have found the right place if you have a passion for making wine.
  17. Gussman

    Sweetening my Wine

    Here is another new wine. Hope this one posts correctly
  18. Gussman

    Help posting pictures

    Sideway Photos OKay. I've managed to get the photos of my wine on WMT. Now, how do I get them from being posted SIDEWAYS????? Aaaaahhhhhh. Thanks All
  19. Gussman

    Sweetening my Wine

    Recently bottled Here are two new wines that I bottled today.
  20. Gussman

    adding grapes to juice bucket

    Changes Totally agree with Bergmann, Know the Values. A small change is a big change