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  1. Allie Geiger

    Want to make Dragon Blood but I can't get yeast Energizer?

    I am in the far northern reaches of BC Canada, I am lucky I have a single shop, and online would take weeks to get in the mail. Luckily I messaged the owner of my one local shop this evening, and she said that although they can't get it in to sell, she would weigh me out some from the stores...
  2. Allie Geiger

    Want to make Dragon Blood but I can't get yeast Energizer?

    Is there a substitute for yeast energizer I could try? I checked at my local brewing store but they didn't have any. I've read some suggestions regarding throwing a banana in, has anyone had success with this method? I was hoping to start tonight.
  3. Allie Geiger

    Yeast not being very aggressive?

    Could I put a heat pad on it for a day or so?
  4. Allie Geiger

    Yeast not being very aggressive?

    I did use yeast nutrient. This is from juice, not fresh fruit.
  5. Allie Geiger

    Yeast not being very aggressive?

    Thanks! The room is around 20 degrees C (68 F). I did not take a ph reading, I didn't have the equipment and decided to wing it. I Used Lalvin ec-1118.
  6. Allie Geiger

    Yeast not being very aggressive?

    I have a batch of cranberry/cherry/orange that is on day 4. The yeast did not become very vigorous, and it is now just mildly fizzing. I took a gravity reading. the starting gravity was 1.1. On day 4 it is now at 1.06. Is it doing okay, or is there something I need to add to it? Is it okay that...
  7. Allie Geiger

    Why do you make wine at home?

    I just think it is so much fun. I love wine, and making it myself gives me so much pride. Also cheaper than buying and I love having a full wall of wine aging.
  8. Allie Geiger

    Canned fruit?

    Just curious how much a canned fruit changes the taste, in comparison to fresh fruit?
  9. Allie Geiger

    How to incorporate GINGERBREAD flavor in banana wine?

    Thats a good idea. I might ditch the gingerbread idea and go for Banana-pineapple instead. Might be a bit more successful.
  10. Allie Geiger

    Candy wines?

    This is so intriguing.. I'm so curious how they would taste. I would definitely try a green jolly rancher wine, and I really wonder what werthers original wine would taste like!
  11. Allie Geiger

    How to incorporate GINGERBREAD flavor in banana wine?

    I have this idea.. I want to make a banana wine, but I really want to attempt to incorporate a gingerbread flavour, to try to give it a banana-bread type flavor. Does molasses work or will it turn funky in fermentation? Has anyone attempted using molasses, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, brown sugar...
  12. Allie Geiger

    New member from BC Canada

    Thankyou! Things are finally looking up, as he is in the works of becoming employed, but I just pray his knee will be able to handle it. Its very tough going from a very physically active job and skills, to suddenly needing to change your entire skillset for a different career path. Hobbies...
  13. Allie Geiger

    New member from BC Canada

    Thanks! I'll see what I can find.
  14. Allie Geiger

    New member from BC Canada

    Nice to meet you all. My husband and I have been enjoying making wine from kit for the past 10 years or so, but we are craving the learning curve of doing it on our own with fruits, etc. We currently started a test batch (just to see if it would work) with some 100% juice blend...