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  1. CranApfelwein 12 04 09 1

    CranApfelwein 12 04 09 1

  2. CranApfelwein 12 04 09 2

    CranApfelwein 12 04 09 2

  3. CranApfelwein 12 04 09 3

    CranApfelwein 12 04 09 3

  4. all 3 brews

    all 3 brews

  5. Black Cherry Shiraz 120109

    Black Cherry Shiraz 120109

  6. BlackCherryShiraz


  7. vvolf34

    Wine book ?

    I have the "home wine makers companion" and like it. Good talk about equipment, chemicals and different recipes, using, concentrates, grapes and fruits. It also talks about wine kits.
  8. My Brews

    My Brews

  9. vvolf34

    CranApfelwein Wyeast 3068

    So I made a batch of this tonight: 4 Gal Tree Top Apple Juice 1 Gal Ocean Spray Cranberry 2 # Dextrose (corn sugar) Wyeast 3068 SG 1.072 Will let ya know how it comes out!
  10. vvolf34

    Apfelwein and MLF

    Sounds like solid advice!! Right now I have 15 gallons going? Should I hold out or try a little apple experiment?
  11. vvolf34


    Wade: You should try it, I like it better than Reisling. Runningwolf, thanks you. I only have a small store, it's actually Ace Hardware. I mainly get my carboys from them. Everything else I pretty much order online. I might give the RJS a try. To bad no recipe to make it homemade :(
  12. vvolf34

    Apfelwein and MLF

    thanks for the heads up on that... I might try it on a different batch one day to test it out. A 5 gal batch cost me about $23.00 in supplies... So I think a 3 gal batch would be about $15.00... thats what I like about home brewing, the sky is the limit. If it turns out bad, well scrub that one...
  13. vvolf34


    Anyone ever make a Piesporter kit, if so was it good or recommend one. I remember some years back drinking Piesporter and liking it. I have seen a couple different kits for it. Even better would be a recipe instead of a kit. I don't mind kits, but would rather make something from scratch if...
  14. vvolf34

    Apfelwein and MLF

    thanks for the information bob1. I can't get on that site from work :(
  15. vvolf34

    Apfelwein and MLF

    I was just wondering because I read about apples having a high amount of malic acid and it might be good for them. I do believe there is a apple wine recipe on this site about that, but it was with fresh juice. I will see if I can dig that thread up.
  16. vvolf34

    WineXpert Sulfites at Bottling

    If using campden tablets what does that break down too? My Home Wine Makers Companion says 2.5 tablets every 2 months and rack to a new carboy.
  17. vvolf34

    LF Suggestions on next kit

    Tom thats funny I was going to suggest that to, I was also thinking Muscat, but it might be to sweet for him. Bet the SO will love it.
  18. vvolf34

    Apfelwein and MLF

    Just wondering if anyone has made Apfelwein and if you tried MLF. If not would this be a good canidate for MLF. Apfelwein 5 Gal tree Top Apple Juice (has citric acid) 2 # dextrose 1 packet of Montracht yeast Thats all there is to the recipe. Pitch it and let it sit in a carboy, no...
  19. vvolf34

    I have to ask, what is an F pac?

    thanks for the welcome! No beer at this time, just making wine. I might try my hand at it sometime though.
  20. vvolf34

    gallons per year?

    Not sure where you live or what your specific state laws are, but Washington allows you to make 200 gallons per year for 2+ adult home. 100 gallons a year for single adult home. I do believe it varys by state. Recently Washington corrected an old law. We can now take homemade brew to friends...