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  1. D

    Testing apple wine after second carboy

    Some great ideas! this is the recipe i used: 5 Gallons of Apple juice (From the market, no preservatives or anything added) 15 cups of sugar 1 packet of yeast (EC-1118) 1 teaspoon of yeast nutrient 4 Campden tablets I might just try that idea of adding some concentrate just before bottling the...
  2. D

    Testing apple wine after second carboy

    thank you for the reply's! ill bottle it and leave it for 3-4 months and see if it tastes any different.
  3. D

    Testing apple wine after second carboy

    Hello, I was not sure where to ask this but i just made a 5 gallon batch of apple wine. I am new to making wine and followed a recipe in one of the books i purchased. Finished transferring to second carboy... added the Campden tablets (used 4 for 5 gallons) and its been sitting for over...