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  1. D

    Other Vinter's Harvest Blackberry starting SG

    I am still a newb myself, but I just racked a VH blackberry to secondary and my starting SG was around 1.095 I would say you are fine, but maybe some of the more knowledgeable folks could chime in!:dg
  2. D

    Stir after airlock?

    Thanks for the help guys! dj, those are the steps you use for all of your wines? just your aging times are different obviously?
  3. D

    Stir after airlock?

    dj, I took your advice and just pulled the lid/airlock off, gave it a good stirring and re-covered with a towel. Once I get down to 1.000 I will rack into a carboy, add my k-meta, and sparkalloid. Do I just put my k-meta and sparkalloid in the carboy, then rack into it? or do I get the pee in...
  4. D

    Stir after airlock?

    Hello All, Working on my first batch of skeeter pee and got a question.. I am fermenting my pee in my primary until dry and just put under airlock today as my SG was 1.018. I have been stirring twice a day since I started on Saturday. My question is do I still stir twice a day after putting it...
  5. D

    Secon batch of skeeter pee

    I am doing my first batch of Pee right now, and pitched my slurry from a blackberry at 1am 5/21 right before bed and when I woke up at 8am it was foaming and hissing like crazy!::
  6. D

    Racking blackberry to secondary question

    Hello All, Well after the troubles I had from my newbie mistake of Overdosing my Vitners Harvest BlackBerry with K-Meta, my fermentation (After quite a few splash rackings!) is coming along nicely. I was going to let this ferment dry in my primary, but would really like to start a skeeter pee...
  7. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Thanks for the help! My SG reading is a touch over 1.090, this is where it has been since last Wednesday.
  8. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Well, went home for lunch and gave it a stir. Before I did, I did not observe any ferment activity, and all of the "Cloudiness" pictured above is totally gone. Any suggestions? Wait it out? Add more yeast? Toss out the whole batch and cut my losses? Is my must still good after 5days at 72...
  9. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Peeked at it this morning and there is still very tiny bubbles (maybe even less than last night) and it kind of looks as though the "Cloudy Stuff" has dissapated some.. Does it usually take a while for heavy fermentation to start? Should I stir it up multiple times a day?
  10. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Sweetness!!! :r
  11. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Well I pitched my yeast starter about noon today. It looks like I am starting to get activity in my primary. If I look real close I can see tiny (extremely tiny) bubbles coming to the top. I have some cloudy stuff as well, I took a pic (Camera phone, sorry for the quality). What is it?
  12. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Wade, I splash racked thursday (5-6 times between buckets) and again yesterday (5-6 times between buckets). I am going to do it again today, do you think I could go ahead and pitch my yeast?
  13. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Got home this evening and have some activity again in my starter, went ahead and added some more sugar and another few ounces of my must. Hopefully if all goes well overnight I can pitch my yeast tomorrow.. My must and yeast starter has been around 73 degrees since wednesday.
  14. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Thanks for the replies again guys! I added sugar dissolved in a bit of warm water as well as a pinch of yeast nutrient. I also went ahead and splash racked my must between primaries again for good measures.
  15. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Well I may have spoke to soon, When I added a few more ounces today at noon it was bubbling pretty good, and could also hear it fizzing. I just went to add a few more ounces and it was not bubbling. I shook it up and added more must.. Do you think it will start again, or should to make another...
  16. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    I splashed between to primaries about 5-6 times, it seemed to have aerated it pretty well during the process. I also started my yeast about noon today and added about 2 oz of my must to it. Got home this evening and it has activity. I added another 1oz to it and all seems well. I will continue...
  17. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Also, I don't have any brew shops locally so picking up a packet you suggested is not going to be easy in a timely manner. I have the following, Red Star Montrachet, Cote des blanc, and lavlin Bourgovin RC2112, which one of these should I use? thanks so much!
  18. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Thanks for all the replies and PM's! I am going to rack between primaries when I get home from work, and get my starter yeast going. I am not throwing in the towel! Thanks again for all the help! This really is a great board, with many knowledeable folks! Dustin
  19. D

    VH Bisulfite solution question

    Since it is a bit late this evening, can I splash rack tomorrow evening? Will it hurt sitting overnight?