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  1. Amanda660

    Post a photo, any photo

    Just finished the "label" job on all the wine & beer for my sons (youngest of four) wedding on 1 Jan 2018 - which they wanted to pay for themselves. It was a lot of work but in the end we SAVED "them" so much money (meaning zero dollars) making the wine & beer ourselves plus added a nice family...
  2. Amanda660

    Big and Bold again!

    Why did I not see this post! Ha! I only saw the corrected date so I didn't even know there was a typo - you guys are on the ball!
  3. Amanda660

    Big and Bold again!

    Thank you so much for hosting this awesome opportunity for all of us! Much appreciated! Can't wait to get the feedback. Thank you again!
  4. Amanda660

    Big and Bold again!

    Got a few boxed up and shipping out Wed.
  5. Amanda660

    What's for Dinner?

    We have this in our camper - perfect for 2. Fun to use but not so fun to clean.
  6. Amanda660

    Knob Noster Amateur Wine Competition

    What a fantastic experience! We look forward to hosting our 2nd Annual. Thank you for entering and for posting pictures!
  7. Amanda660

    Big and Bold again!

    I'm totally in! Love the 375 option is awesome - so smart :)
  8. Amanda660

    Knob Noster Amateur Wine Competition

    To be honest we made a mistake on our categories. Not one of us caught it until we got our first mead. Our first lesson learned. If you would like to send a flower/vegetable just write in category 99 (99A flavored grape wines / 99B Vegetable / 99C Flowers).
  9. Amanda660

    What R you doing today?

    Day Off and working on paint your own cookie ideas for graduation & Easter. My fingers are the colors of the rainbow from making the paint sticks but thinking I nailed graduation so its a small price. Bonus - I finally have the best sugar cookie recipe!
  10. Amanda660

    Post a photo, any photo

    Warm fuzzy for the week! Can't wait to send you my bourbon caramel port :)
  11. Amanda660

    Knob Noster Amateur Wine Competition

    It is FINALLY happening after 3 years of talking about it :) We don't have a huge network so please feel free to share with anyone you think might be interested. Hopefully this is a step to getting wine & beer...
  12. Amanda660

    This is hobby quite addictive, isn't it?

    I swear this forum has saved me a ton of money. When I got going it wasn't a gentle wade out to the deep end...I dove in head first. I swear I couldn't stop! In 3 years I've done fruit, kits, juice buckets, concentrates, grapes and now I'm on my first mead (which I swore I would never...
  13. Amanda660

    What's for Dinner?

    Yes, post or message it plz!
  14. Amanda660

    Who has been pruning?

    I did my pruning last weekend. Going to find out if grape plants are easy to propagate from cuttings - figure I'm not out anything.
  15. Amanda660

    What's for Dinner?

    Jalapeno sausage wrapped up in corn husks and smoked about 45 mins (until 160). Got the recipe off Triple D and they are wicked good. I double ground my pork but next time I'll try just one grind. A little time consuming but worth it :)
  16. Amanda660

    What's for Dinner?

    Fillet from a grass-fed steer. Had to do two posts because I don't know how to twice in one reply :?
  17. Amanda660

    What's for Dinner?

    In my opinion the crust is too thick with one flip. I used to do 4 and 4 but I swear by every 2 now.
  18. Amanda660

    What's for Dinner?

    Dry brining 3 days (but not "covered" in a layer kosher salt). Put my cast iron pan in a cold oven set temp for 450 and let it heat up for about 30 mins (this way heats the cast iron evenly). Removed pan from oven and put on a med high burner, added a tablespoon of oil, added steaks flipping...