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  1. Amanda660

    Choke cherry port

    Choke Cherry Port (1 Gal) 8 lbs ripe wild chokecherries (I freeze mine) 2-3/4 lbs granulated sugar 1 tsp pectic enzyme 6-1/2 pints boiling water 1 crushed Campden tablet 1 tsp yeast nutrient 1/2 tsp yeast energizer wine or port yeast Pick only ripe berries. Put water on to boil. Destem and sort...
  2. Amanda660

    Brand New

    Oh my goodness I forgot to say welcome Jeremy!!! Welcome! Starting tonight or tomorrow night.
  3. Amanda660

    Brand New

    Here is the recipe I'm using (all fruit which I have never done but with free blackberries I figure now is the time to try it). Blackberry Port (1 Gal) 15 lbs of blackberries 3 lbs of sugar ½ tsp Pectic Enzyme 1 tsp yeast Nutrient 1 pkg Red Star Pasteur Champagne yeast 1 campden tablet After...
  4. Amanda660

    Reusing old wine bottles, concerns...

    I use "used" bottles now exclusively. I kindly ask friends to rinse and save. A few don't rinse even after several requests and I just add them to the recycle bin and everybody feels good. I do not use any bottles that have any hint of funk inside or has a flaw. If you have a winery near you...
  5. Amanda660

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    I'm doing mine as 5 gal and tweaking. I don't have a plan yet but I'm thinking. Share if you do one or more - would love to read about what you are doing.
  6. Amanda660

    Propagating Norton Grapes

    I'm attempting this (not with Norton though) in late Feb. I figure if its a flop - its a flop but I have nothing to lose. Great input with the peat pots. Tractor Supply has Cow Pots (yes made from cow poop) on sale for .99 cents (12 - pint size) that I bought just for this endeavor. I really...
  7. Amanda660

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    6 gal - 4 weeks. Obviously that will not be part of "the plan".
  8. Amanda660

    Post a photo, any photo

    Just a hobby - are you in MO?
  9. Amanda660

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Amazon - with Prime free shipping!
  10. Amanda660

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    Haven't set a plan yet but I got then unpacked. I will make my plan, execute my plan and stay the course :)
  11. Amanda660

    Other Tweeking Cheap Kits

    So glad I procrastinated checking out on Amazon because they dropped to $33.65!!!! Let the tweaking begin.....
  12. Amanda660

    Are these ok for mead?

    # 40440750.01S 750 ml is the exact same measurements as the bottle pictured. Mine are flat bottomed though - no bunt and weighs 1.6ish lbs. Hope that helps in you decision.
  13. Amanda660

    Are these ok for mead?

    I have the 750 size (not sure if the thickness is identical though - I'll take a pic of one) and they take a #9 cork. I got them on clearance at a homebrew store in Ozark MO. I have chunks of 2x4 that I put on my floor corker to raise them up so I can cork them.
  14. Amanda660

    Post a photo, any photo

    Made for our last wine class. Hope I did the "reply" to the right person thing correctly ??
  15. Amanda660

    Post a photo, any photo

    Christmas parties are in full swing and its not even Dec. Second year for this design - Everything is edible - reindeer are white chocolate. I probably wouldn't eat the A-10 cause its gumpaste but ya could if you wanted to. Cake decorating falls just below wine making :) Bring on the...
  16. Amanda660


    I have the Italian floor corker and use #9 x 1 3/4 corks. I went with the Italian and spent way more $ because I wanted the height & longer handle so I can get the cork in without a struggle (not gonna happen with a hand corker). I'm sure a debate can be waged here but at 5'3"ish the Italian...
  17. Amanda660

    What's for Dinner?

    T-Bone from Ferdonad. My sister-in-law is a bit sad but not I - thank you Ferdonad :)
  18. Amanda660

    RJ Spagnols Unacceptable kit odor in all RJS and WE

    I'm 3 years in to this hobby and I've done everything from kits to grapes. Recently a friend took 2 of my wines to the wine show (Uncorked - 1450 AM). I found out he had as I was listening so I did panic a bit. They loved them and couldn't believe they were home done - both were cheap kits...
  19. Amanda660

    Bottle Bombs

    If you had an acceptable FG and your priming sugar was appropriate I don't see why you'd have bottle bombs. I've done beer for about 3 years and I have had over carbonated beers (I believe because I bottle conditioned them in a WAY toooo warm room because I wanted to hurry the process - don't...
  20. Amanda660

    What's for Dinner?

    Burgers tonight! Long Horn & Charolais mix - grass fed steer! First burger will be in cast iron - kinda thinking this lean boy might hold up to the grill though! Gotta love a co-project with the brother-in-law!