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  1. M

    A Tale of woe and Campden Tablets

    Interesting that quite a few of you say that boiling water and adding sulphite is an either/or function. That's what I would have thought. Of course I always follow the recipe exactly the first time I try one, and it said to do this. I'm making notes along the way, so the next time I try this I...
  2. M

    A Tale of woe and Campden Tablets

    Well, we started the wine late into the evening, so we boiled the water and poured it over the rest of the ingredients, and covered it until morning. That gave it maybe 14 or 15 hours to rest after adding the sulphite. There was nothing in the recipe about waiting before pitching the yeast...
  3. M

    A Tale of woe and Campden Tablets

    Actually I lied. There are no campden tablets in this story. Only a possibly silly substitution. My girlfriend and I decided to make a raspberry wine a couple nights ago. We had all the ingredients for a recipe we found on Jack Keller's site, so we got started. When we had the raspberries in...
  4. M

    Pumpkin Puree Wine

    The juice is actually quite syrupy. It's also a fair bit murky as well. I can see how this might turn into a problem later.
  5. M

    Pumpkin Puree Wine

    That's the one thing I keep hearing about pumpkin, that it takes forever to settle. I haven't seen pectic enzyme in my travels, but there is a hobby brew in town that might stock it. Otherwise I'll get it online.
  6. M

    Pumpkin Puree Wine

    We got about two and a half litres; that's about the same in quarts. We kept the seeds too, which we have yet to separate from the junk, so we'll chuck all that in the mash too. We were hoping to have enough for a gallon batch of wine, but if not, we'll throw in a butternut squash or something.
  7. M

    Pumpkin Puree Wine

    We have just rendered a couple pumpkins into several batches of puree. We let the puree sit in coffee filters overnight and drained off an awful lot of juice. I refuse to accept that this should be discarded, and I was considering using it to make pumpkin wine. Many of the recipes I found...