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  1. D

    Racking before bottling question

    I had the same thing happen the first wine I made. I had to top off with almost 4 bottles. Now I just make an extra gallon and bottle that early using some #2 or 3 drilled bungs. Then if I need to top off, just use those bottles to top. It also helps to make a little more than you expect to...
  2. D

    You know you're a winemaker when....

    There is a wine shop/tasting bar down the street from me that I get more bottles than I can use. Life is good when you find a good source.
  3. D

    Carboy + sunlight?

    You can get creative with it :)
  4. carboy friends

    carboy friends

  5. carboys


  6. D

    What kind of yeast?

    Turns out the splash rack did the trick. Science at work. Thanks guys. I'll be bottling this stuff up soon. I'm impressed with the quality of this wine after 3 months it is a nice light white-ish wine. SO digs it which is cool 'cause she doesn't normally like wine :)
  7. D

    What kind of yeast?

    Wow. That is a great plan. Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes.
  8. D

    What kind of yeast?

    will it work to take a small sample and try splashing it around to see if it will work?
  9. D

    What kind of yeast?

    Do I sulphite the wine before or after splash racking or not at all?
  10. D

    What kind of yeast?

    Is that the subtle gym sock smell? I have a applewine that I used Montrechet on and it had the "Rhino farts" during the first part of the ferment and now (3 months later) it has a subtle off smell to it. Will age make it lose that or will it always have that?
  11. D

    Key Lime Recipe?

    I have a lemon tree that produces a lot of lemons. They are Myer so they are a little sweeter than the store ones, so I may have to adjust the sugar. What SG do you start at? 1.080? Also, how much starter do you make before pitching? A liter or 2? If I use apple juice in the starter will...
  12. D

    Reliable source for supplies

    Make sure you say that Tom or Wade referred you and they get a kick-back.
  13. D

    Sanitizing solution confusion

    Be careful not to inhale the fumes (at the sanitizer level there seems to be a large amount of fumes). It burns! I think the reaction when you breath it is making sulfuric acid in your lungs if my high school chemistry is right. Tiny but still not good for you.
  14. D

    Insipid wine

    I decided to just experiment with different amounts of acid on a sample and it tastes great with 1g/L of tartaric acid. So that's what I'll add. Thanks for all the advice. At some point I may break down and get the Ph meter, but for now this works.
  15. D


    According to the "Home Winemaking Book" it is (OG - FG)/7.36
  16. D

    Storage problems

    Got some 4L jugs. Carlo Rossi 4Liter wine went on sale for $6 a jug. Trying to figure out what to do with the wine, it's not very good.
  17. D

    Insipid wine

    I can get a litmus test at the HBS on Monday. Thanks.
  18. D

    Insipid wine

    It's the TA that is 6. The question was if the TA increases after being on the skins or is my test kit not measuring correctly?
  19. D

    Insipid wine

    I don't have a Ph test kit, but I tested the acid level a couple days ago and it says the level is around 6. Maybe it gained some acidity from fermenting on the skins? The low level was tested by the grower right after crush. I racked off the lees after it completed fermenting. Right now...
  20. D

    Storage problems

    2 Gallons Zin 2 Gallons Syrah 3 Gallons Tempranillo I got a couple 3Gal Better Bottles that I used one for the tempranillo. That free'd up some space, but I need to build some shelves or something for the 1 gallon batches.