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  1. D

    Insipid wine

    Will there be any disadvantage to adding acid after ferment rather than adding it to the must before starting the ferment?
  2. D

    Insipid wine

    I have a tempranillo from grapes that is now in secondary that I tasted and the best way to describe it is "incipid". When I got the grapes the original readings were : OG 1.102 Ph 4.16 and TA 3.9 . I used Lalvin 71B-1122 and the ferment was quick (4 days!) I pressed at 1.000 . I went...
  3. D

    Degassing Confusion

    I am curious. I have a batch of Ed's Applewine going and when it was done fermenting I tried stabilizing it and sweetening. So I degassed until I couldn't get anymore bubbles. I made the mistake of adding the sugar dry directly into the carboy. There was a volcano (think Mentos and Diet...
  4. D

    Storage problems

    I have a some problems with storage of my wine that I am trying deal with. I bought three batches of grapes and of course the yield was not a multiple of 5 and I have 2 to 3 gallons extra of each type. All I have are gallon jugs and 5 gallon carboys. I don't have enough space to have 9 more...
  5. D

    First time with grapes

    BTW, how long will my hands be stained? I've been punching down by hand so I can tell where the hot spots are in the must. No matter how much I wash them they look dirty ;)
  6. D

    K-meta in a new must

    Am I asking too many questions? I hope not. Mainly I want to know if my math is right so I can keep track of how much Kmeta I put in.
  7. D

    Second run wine

    Also it is not clear how long I leave the liquid on the skins. Do I mix and press imediately or ferment on the skins and press at 0?
  8. D

    Second run wine

    I have 200#'s of Tempranillo grapes in primary right now. I was reading the most recent Winemaker magazine and there is some info on how to do a second fermentation using the pomace from a first run. Has anyone had success with that? I searched the forum and saw one mention of it by Wade, but...
  9. D

    K-meta in a new must

    The bottle says that 1 tablet / USG = 150ppm total SO2. So does that mean that I have added 45ppm so far? My math is (6 * 150ppm)/20 USG = 45 ppm I'm pitching the yeast. What about nutrients and acid? Any opinions on that ? Thanks in advance for the advice.
  10. D

    K-meta in a new must

    Oh no. It's been 24 hours. Does it make sense at this point to add more K meta or punt and pitch the yeast since it has been sitting at 72 deg for 24 hours? I don't have the bottle in front of me, but I believe it said that the tabs are 550mg each. I used the tablets because I don't have a...
  11. D

    First time with grapes

    I didn't add any MLB (is that the starter?) Just pressed it directly into the carboy and put a lock on it. To degass should I rack it off of the lees first? Or all-in-all should I just leave-it-the-F-alone? :)
  12. D

    Questions about MLF

    This is a good question. When do you add the MLF bacteria?
  13. D

    First time with grapes

    After the Zin went into the carboy for secondary, it was still bubbling and kind of sweet. The bubbling has slowed down to every 10-15 seconds after 3 weeks total fermentation time. Can I determine if the slow bubbling is due to malolactic or is it just residual CO2?
  14. D

    K-meta in a new must

    I have 200#'s of grapes that I added 6 campden tabs. I think that comes out to 3 grams. Does that sound like the right amount? It looks like about 22 gallons of must. it is 27 Brix Ph 4.16 and TA .39. Should I add some nutrient or acid? Also, the grape provider measured 23.5 brix. Is...
  15. D

    What is the diff between SG and Brix?

    What is the difference between Brix and SG? Is there a conversion table or do I need a different measuring device? Why would I use one over the other for determining when to press a grape must?
  16. D

    Primary to secondary fermentation

    I too have a batch of Syrah grapes. I am pitching yeast on them today. Is there a reason to press before it reaches 1.000 ? That's what I did with the Zinfendel grapes last week.
  17. D

    Campden Tablets

    Does anyone know if a 18 Gallon container will hold 100 #'s of grapes? I heard it is 10#'s per gallon of grapes. Is that correct?
  18. D

    Campden Tablets

    Home depot says they carry the Rubbermaid Brute and Roughneck cans. I know the Brute ones are HDPE. I can't find any definitive answer on the Roughneck cans.
  19. D

    Campden Tablets

    I think most of the Rubbermaid cans are polyethelene (look for the triangle with a "2" in it) which is food grade. You can get them at most hardware stores.
  20. D

    topping with syrup

    How did you find the spot? I'll have to plan a trip when they are in season. I'm dying to make some wine from them but haven't been able to find a source for fresh or frozen. Are you competing with the birds? :P