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  1. D

    First time with grapes

    Thanks. That is great advice. I'll taste it when I get home and make a judgement call. Picking up Syrah tomorrow. I love living this close to Napa.
  2. D

    First time with grapes

    Hi folks. I am making wine from Zinn grapes for the first time. Everything is going well. I have finished primary ferm and pressed into secondary. Of course there was not an even 5Gal, it was more like 7.5. So what do I do with the extra? I can rack into 1Gal jugs now, and use some of it...
  3. D

    topping with syrup

    Being from Northern Cal, I don't know what the riverbottom is, but I assume that means you picked them yourself. That is some dedication to the hobby. I tip my hat to you.
  4. D

    topping with syrup

    May or may not be off topic, but where in California did you get the elderberries?
  5. D

    Curious behavior in berry wine

    I racked it a week ago to pull it off the lees on the bottom of the carboy by siphoning it to a plastic bucket and cleaning the glass carboy. While I was doing that I took a taste and it was too dry. I added the recommended amount of campden to the wine and then stirred in sugar to taste. I...
  6. D

    Carboy Trouble

    There was a suggestion of adding marbles in a nylon stocking into the carboy to displace the air space. I have a question about that. Does anyone know what the long term affects of leaving nylon leggings in a wine are? Should I bleach the stockings before to remove any dye that might be in...
  7. D

    SG for grape must

    I just got my Zinfendel grape must today and am taking a OG reading, but the juice is really cloudy. This is my first batch with raw grape must. The OG is 1.110 . Is that accurate enough? It seems high.
  8. D

    Curious behavior in berry wine

    I degassed last night and will take a SG reading tonight. I am not in any hurry to bottle and have no problem with letting it sit. It sounds like there isn't any problem and I should not ditch the batch. Should I rack it again in a few weeks or can I just leave it alone for bulk aging?
  9. D

    Curious behavior in berry wine

    Will do. It is a 2.5 Gallon batch. Is the fizzing just CO2 being release and not yeast activity? Do you think that moving the must too soon might have stopped the yeast?
  10. D

    Curious behavior in berry wine

    I am making a mixed berry wine from frozen berry mixes I got from Trader Joes (I have tasted them after thawing and they are tasty). After following a recipe I measured SG of 1.08. After reading up, I know that I made a few rookie mistakes. I let the must sit for 24 hours after the campden...